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" what?" Lucy asked.

"We fight again!" Natsu shouted. "I'm gonna beat you this time!"


Makarov sighed as he watched them argue and turned towards Emi. He approached her as she sat under a tree with Sting and Lector, coughing to gain her attention. They all looked up, and after sensing the vibe, Sting and Lector left the two alone.

"There is no question that you are powerful, but I just want to warn you about how power comes at a cost."

"I know, Master Grampa. My power cost me my closest friends. I don't intend for that to happen again. But I have to fight in order to protect those I hold dear."

Mavis floated over to the pair. She settled down next to Emi on the ground and smiled at her.

"I believe that you want to improve, and I am prepared to help you, but you must not be so reckless. It may increase your power, but it leaves you open for attack."

"I understand. I guess I've just been focusing on the Sins' defeat that I'm not paying attention to my own body's needs and limits."

"Lady Emiko, who are you talking to?"

Sting and Lector had walked back over to the tree to check up on her. Emi smiled up at Lector as he floated in front of Sting and said that she was speaking with the master.

"Yeah but he didn't even say anything."

"Not that master," Emi giggled. "I meant First Master."

"F-First Master? Like a...ghost?" Lector choked out.

"Well, yeah I guess."

Sting and Lector paled and slowly backed away from the tree again. Makarov and Mavis both laughed at their "youthful energy" and turned back to Emi.

"I would be willing to grant you the Three Great Fairy Magics if it would help eliminate the Sins."

Emi gasped and waved her hands, stuttering, "Oh no, I couldn't possibly ever use those! Those are sacred spells that are reserved for the most dedicated Fairy Tail members, and I just joined very recently."

"Then if the need comes, I will temporarily grant you their power."

"You're not going to go alone, are you?" Makarov tested.

Emi folded her knees to her head and spoke quietly, "I must. I can't put anyone in danger again. I made that mistake once. I won't make it again."

"Woah woah woah. There's no way you're going alone!" Sting yelled.

The three of them looked up to see all of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth standing around them.

"You should know by now that I'm coming," Sting sternly remarked.

"Which means I'm coming!" Lector yelled.

"And Sting is our master, so we are also coming to support him."

The rest of Sabertooth nodded in agreement with Rogue. Laxus was the next one to speak up.

"You're not barging in there without me, you reckless ass. I made a promise to you and intend on keeping it."

"And if Laxus is going," Freed spoke, "then the Thunder God Tribe is going as well."

"I'm going too! I'm gonna pound those assholes to the ground!" Natsu yelled.

"If Natsu's going then I'm definitely going. His dumbass is gonna get himself in trouble if he goes alone."

"Juvia is going if Gray is going."

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