Emi's Birthday

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Emi looked up from her book and raised an eyebrow at Kira.

"Is there something you need?"

"Let's get to know each other better. I mean, we do live together and I know barely anything about you."

"That was my goal. People shouldn't know things about me."

"What's your favorite color?"

"Yellow, but it has to be a certain shade. I don't like banana yellow."

"Why not?"

"My teacher made me eat a banana everyday before training. He said it was 'a good source of energy' or something."

"Gross. Let's see," Kira concentrated, "What is your favorite animal?"


"When's your birthday?"

"I don't know."

Kira was about to ask the next question but quickly stopped.

"Wait wait wait. How do you not know when your birthday is?"

"The last time I celebrated my birthday was when I was five, and I don't remember when it was."

"We're celebrating your birthday this year. We'll pick a day to be your birthday."

"Just a random day? Don't you think she--"

Both girls jumped at the voice and found Sting sitting in the window.

"Get out of my window, you idiot!"

Sting grinned before jumping into the apartment and sitting on the floor in front of the two.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"You said to get out of the window, so I did."

"I didn't mean to come inside!"

Sting shrugged and looked over to Emi with a grin on his face before laying down.

"So what's this about finding you a birthday?"

Emi and Kira stayed silent.

"Aw come on guys. I just want to help. I love parties."

"Knock it off, dragon boy. You're not part of this. This is for best friends only."

"Best...friends?" Emi stumbled.

Kira looked over at Emi with a smile before repeating what she said.

"No way. Lector and I are her best friends."

Kira and Sting started glaring at each other.

"I go on more jobs with her than you."

"We have a special hang out space."

"She lives with me."

"She likes Lector and me better."

"She takes off her cloak when she's around me."

"She--wait, what?"

Kira smirked in victory before wrapping her arm around Emi's shoulders.

"I told you. We're best pals and you can't even compare."


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