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"How do we find them?" Lucy asked.

"We don't. They'll find me. Well actually...they'll probably go right for Sting."

Everyone looked off in the distance to see Sting and Natsu goofing off in the field. They all sweatdropped.

"Is actually qualified to be a guildmaster?" Lucy muttered.

"It might not seem like it, but he took out Master Jiemma in one blow," Orga explained.

"And I don't have any memory of Master Jiemma being defeated before that."

"Hey Natsu, look at this. I can totally catch this rock with my mouth."

They all turned to the rest of Sabertooth with blank looks.

"We never said he was mature," Rogue muttered.

"He's serious when he has to be," Emi defended. "I'm glad that he's able to still enjoy life at the same time. I have no doubt that he'll put up a fight."

"You're talking like he's already dead."

"They'll make sure of it."

"Wait wait wait. Are you saying that Sting is gonna die?"

"Sting and I have already discussed this with each other. The Sins are vicious and calculating. We've made a decision about the situation."

Sting and Natsu had rejoined the group and Sting put his arm around Emi's shoulder and gave her a side hug, wearing a childish grin.

"You'll never guess what happened."

"You tried to catch a rock with your mouth, and you got hurt."

Sting chuckled nervously and looked away sheepishly. Emi quickly healed him and smacked him on the arm, scolding him for being careless. The group looked on, all wondering how he was able to still seem so happy given his situation.

"Hey guys, why don't we go watch the fireworks tonight?"

"Sting, there's no fireworks anywhere," Gray stated.

"So? We'll make our own!"

They all looked to Emi to see that she looked annoyed.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to use my spells for your enjoyment?"

"Come on, Em. It'll be fun. Think of it as a celebration of life or whatever."


Emi was sitting on a rooftop, looking up at the clear night.

"What are you doing up there?"

"Watching the stars. What are you doing down there?"

Laxus chuckled and said that he was looking for her. She jumped down from the roof and stood at Laxus's feet. He turned around and started to walk through the clear street, waving for her to follow.

"Mystogan isn't the actual Mystogan, is he?"

"No," Laxus laughed, "he's the Jellal of Earthland. The real Mystogan apparently returned to Edolas. He's like a prince or whatever."

"Where are we going?"

"I figured we could get some training in."

"At two oclock in the morning?" Emi questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Danger doesn't wait for an acceptable hour."

Emi smirked and stopped walking.

"I won't hold back."

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