Last Day

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The three made their way to a grassy area on their way back to the inn. They noticed that everyone was sitting in groups, which made them curious.

"Hey," Sting asked a random couple, "why is everyone out here?"

"Well there were supposed to be fireworks, but it seems that they couldn't get them to work."

Emi thought for a minute before speaking up, "I can make some fireworks."

"Really? How?"

"We're wizards!" Lector yelled. "And she has a great spell for it!"

Emi stood a distance from everyone and put her hands in the sky.

"Rupti Sunt."

Balls of light flew off into the sky before exploding into fireworks. Everyone cheered as they watched the lights flicker and sparkle in the sky. Emi smiled as she looked on to how happy everyone was.


"Today was actually really fun."

Sting and Lector high fived each other after hearing that Emi had enjoyed herself.

"That's what a vacation is supposed to be, Lady Emiko."

"I never would've expected such a crowded place to be so relaxing."

Sting chuckled before leading them all back to the inn. They dropped all their beach stuff on the floor before Lector flew into the bathroom, yelling that he got the first shower.

"Shower? Didn't you both already go swimming?"

Sting explained that it was to rinse any sand that they might have carried back with them. Emi nodded and told him that she would shower last before she sat on the floor next to one of the beds. Sting went to ask her what she was doing, but he saw her pull a book out of her bag. Sting sat beside her and peeked over her shoulder.

"What's this one on?"

"It's called 'Rogue's Legacy' and it isn't technically a book on magic spells, but it still offers some insight into magic. It's about a dragon who turned evil once he witnessed the death of his friend. It's said that he went back in time to open a portal for other dragons!"

"Isn't that exactly what happened with the Eclipse Gate the other day?" Levy asked.

Everyone looked towards Emi to see that she was smiling sheepishly.

"I would've totally told you if I had remembered."

"Where'd you get a book like that?"

"Some guy saw me reading the other day and gave me the book free of charge! Isn't that cool?"

Sting was the next one to look away in embarrassment.

"I totally forgot about this. I would've told you when we met, Rogue."

Sting leaned back on the side of the bed and read a little over her shoulder when Lector came out of the bathroom all wet.

"I'm all clean, Sting! Do we have a clean towel?"

Emi closed her book before throwing a towel over to the exceed. She looked to Sting and motioned for him to go into the bathroom next.

"Lady Emiko, can I see your plant book again?"

Emi smiled before reaching into her bag and taking out the book Arthur had given her. Lector's eyes sparkled as he looked at all the different plants.

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