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"You can put me down now," Emi sassily spoke up.

Sting made no move to show that he heard her and kept walking towards the Sabertooth guildhall. 

"What are we doing when we get back, Sting?" Lector excitedly questioned.

"Well first we have to get Em set up and then we can go show her around if you two are up for it."

"I never knew Sabertooth was this close to Crocus," Emi commented as she lifted her head from Sting's shoulder.

"See? Exactly why you'll like it here better. You can go to Crocus whenever you want and you don't even have to take the train."

"Plus we have the mountains, yes."

"You know what would be really great?"

Yukino quietly guessed, "A party?"

"Close! Picture this, tigers: pool!"


Emi nodded enthusiastically towards Orga and wiggled out of Sting's grasp. She landed back on her feet and struck a pose.

"A pool would be so cool! We could swim whenever we wanted and it would be so relaxing and--"

"Okay, okay," Sting laughed. "I'll look into it."


Emi was shown around the main room of the guildhall. It was mostly her rambling about whatever flew through her mind while Sting tried to keep her on task. She spotted the main area and saw a single chair, so naturally she bolted for it and hopped on it.

"Hey, careful with that! That's the master's cha--oh."

The white haired woman giggled along with Sabertooth's loud laughter. She bounced off the chair and landed in front of him with a bright smile.

"Is there ice cream near here?"

Sting wordlessly made his way over to the door and waved her on.

"Come on everyone," Emi prompted. "We're all going out for a celebratory ice cream. The master's paying!"

The blond dragon slayer gave her a side eye, but it seemed as though he had finally accepted his fate of always paying for ice cream. Emi caught him off guard when she jumped on him from behind. He staggered forward a little before he could balance out again.

"Give a guy a warning, Em."


The Sabertooth team and Emi had found a quiet spot towards the center of the park in town and gathered around an open area. Sting had an arm around Emi's shoulders as they all continued to eat their ice cream. The white haired woman smiled devilishly before swiping some ice cream off her cone and wiping across Sting's nose. He pulled back out of instinct and scrunched his nose.

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all. Want some more?"

Yukino giggled quietly at the scene playing out in front of her.

"So when's the next request?"

Sting looked down to his mate and raised an eyebrow.

"We literally just defeated the most powerful beings in the Book of Zeref and you wanna go on a request now?"

"I haven't been on a request in such a long time," she stated simply. "I forgot what they're about."

"If I remember," Rufus interrupted, "we all saw you go on a bunch of requests through your memories."

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