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"That was so COOL! Wendy, you have got to tell me more about your sky dragon slayer magic. I had no idea it could be that powerful. And Erza, you have to share about your power too. It's requip magic, right? How many different armors do you have? Do you get more? How do you get more? What--"

"Em, relax."

Emi turned to Laxus, irritated that he had interrupted her. She turned back to the two wizards and continued asking questions. Laxus chuckled before standing up and lifting Emi off her feet, holding her from under her armpits.

"Laxus! Put me down!"


Emi huffed and turned her head away from him before grumbling something about how he was being mean and that she was just trying to learn.

"Hey Emi," Mira spoke up, "that was pretty cool what you did back there. I wasn't even able to tell that it was an illusion. How did you know?"

"Illusion? Oh! I didn't."

Everyone sweatdropped before Natsu asked, "Then how did you know to say those things to Laxus?"

Emi shrugged her shoulders before saying that it just didn't seem right that Laxus wasn't fighting back at all.

"I knew that there was no way he would give up a fight. Not even because he had history with who he's fighting. Laxus doesn't lose."

Everyone looked at her, satisfied with her answer before they heard her continue by happily exclaiming, "He doesn't lose, except when he does! Like when he fought Gildarts!"

Laxus looked at Emi with an annoyed look, and he saw that the same glint was in her eyes from when he fought with Gildarts in front of her. Everyone in the inn sweatdropped again.

"Yeah well Laxus lost to me!" Natsu screamed while jumping on a table.

"Woah, really?! Natsu, you have to tell me more!"

Makarov had to calm everyone down before it got too rowdy. He was right, as a full on brawl erupted a few minutes later. Emi giggled as she watched the Fairy Tail wizards energetically fighting with one another.

"Listen here, girlie. You're going to come with us and surrender quietly. Then maybe you won't get hurt, and we'll even spare your friend here."

A strange man was holding Kira in one hand by her hair.

"Emi...don't listen to him."


"Well, how about it? Do you accept? If you don't, I have no problem taking care of her right here."

Emi stood up, wincing at what looked to be a broken ankle. She slowly walked over to the man. Right when she was going to agree, a large boom was heard behind her.

"What do you think you're doing, pal?" A voice asked sarcastically.

"You're a little late, asshole!" Kira shouted.

"Hey," the voice said, "I always say better late than never."

Emi turned around to see the young man from her other memories standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Now," he said, cracking his knuckles, "before I beat you to a pulp, do you have any last words?"

The enemy laughed loudly while stating that he wasn't the one who would be dying.

"Can you hurry up already?" Kira asked, annoyed. "My head hurts from his asshole pulling my hair for so long."

There was a bright light and then the enemy laid face down on the floor. Kira fell out of his grasp and rubbed her head before walking over to Emi and the young man.

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