Emi's Scars (Vacation!)

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"Yame, what the hell are you doing?"

"I love all of you so much," Ayame slurs.

Sting and Kira sighed as Emi giggled. The white haired girl brought a glass of water over to the drunk woman and performed a healing spell on her head. Ayame sobered up rather quickly and walked over to the group.

"Emi, I still have no idea how you do that."

"Alcohol is considered a drug, so I used my healing spell to reverse the effects of any drugs in the body."

"Anyway," Sting started before turning to Ayame, "we were all going on a mission in a couple days, and we wanted to ask you to come. That is, of course, if you're not drunk out of your mind."

"Oh hell yes. Going on jobs is awesome when Emi is going."

"Great!" Emi cheered. "We leave in two days. We'll meet here."


"Lady Emiko! Sting has something to ask you!"

"Lector! Don't you dare--"

"Why are you two yelling?"

Lector had made it over to the cloaked girl and floated in front of her.

"Sting wants to know if--"

Sting had caught up to Lector and quickly put a hand over the exceed's mouth.

"Sting? What's going on? Why are you two acting so strange?"

"Uh," Sting stumbled over his words as he rubbed the back of his neck, "we were maybe wondering if--"

"We want you to go on vacation with us!"



Lector and Sting stopped bickering and turned to Emi with raised eyebrows.

"You don't know what a vacation is?"

Emi shook her head and asked for the pair to elaborate. Lector and Sting looked at each other before trying to explain.

"A vacation is like a longer break from jobs. You go somewhere and relax."

Lector nodded and continued, "It's super fun. We always go to the beach!"

"The beach? Why do you go there?"

Lector spoke up, "Because the beach is fun! You get to swim and build castles and lay in the sun."

"Plus," Sting added with a wink, "there's lots of ice cream there."

"Aren't we going on a job in a couple days?"

"That gives us just enough time. We were leaving tonight so we could be there tomorrow morning and spend the day."

"We'll sleep in an inn and then leave the next day to come home!" Lector excitedly explained.

"Do we have to tell Kira and Yame?"

"But they know Sting and I are going. Why wouldn't they assume that you would come with us?"

Emi looked at Lector in confusion, asking, "Why would they think that?"

"Because you're Sting's girlfriend."

Emi and Sting blushed in embarrassment as people walking by started to stare at the exceed's outburst.

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