How Dare You Set Us Up

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A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for the short delay. I started to write another book and I got distracted. Anyway, hope you enjoy! I'll probably post another chapter today since I didn't post in the last week.


"Hey Emi, we're going on a mission later today. Wanna come?"


"Lector, me and the idiot."

Emi shrugged before agreeing and following Kira to the guildhall. Kira discreetly gave the request paper over to Mich and waved goodbye to the other members. They got as far as the train before Kira spoke up.

"Oh man. I don't feel so good. You guys should go on without me."

Sting caught on to what she was doing and quickly told her that the request could wait until she felt better. Emi looked at Kira and asked if she knew what was wrong, but the only thing Kira could come up with was that she had eaten something bad. She insisted that the three of them complete the mission without her.

"I mean, it's easy enough. You could totally do it with just you."

Emi sighed and agreed before asking what the request was, as Kira had not told them and said that she would brief them on the train.

"It's some type of party thing. You have to attend a ball or whatever and act as guests. You'll be trying to track down some dude that steals things from royals."

Sting looked at Kira in confusion before it clicked.

"Emi, we don't have to--"

"Sting, what is a ball? Isn't that a toy that you throw?"

"You were very clueless back then," Erza observed.

"True," Mira agreed. "I didn't realize you were that isolated until now."

Emi grumbled something no one could make out before turning back to the memory.

Kira decided to step in, saying, "A ball is like a fancy dance party. Usually high ranking people like kings hold. You dance and eat these fancy foods. In order to successfully blend in, you'll have to dance."

"I don't know how to dance."

"Sting can teach you once you get there. You'll be dancing with him for most of the night anyway, so you can learn as you go."

Emi let out a quick "okay" and turned to the train. She heard Sting say something to Kira, but she couldn't make it out.

"Being limited to only your perspective can be a bit frustrating at times."

Levy turned to Lucy and nodded before explaining that's all they could do. Natsu tried to come up with an idea.

"Why don't we just do the same circle spell on Sting when we get back?"

Sting turned to Natsu and told him that they would absolutely not be doing that.

Sting eventually boarded the train and sat across from Emi. The train started to close its doors when she realized something.

"Sting," she started, causing the dragon slayer to look at her, "where is Lector?"

Sting grumbled, "He said he didn't want to come. He hates dressing up."

The train started moving, causing Sting's stomach to turn. He tried to distract himself by looking out the window, but Emi saw that it seemed to be worsening his condition. Emi tapped him on the shoulder before motioning him to lay down. Sting hesitantly did so and eventually fell asleep.

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