Job With Sting

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"What the hell happened to you?"

"We took a job and Sting broke his arm."

"Way to go, idiot."

Sting grumbled before Kira poked his arm, causing Sting to hiss in pain.

"Kira!" Emi scolded. "Don't do that. You're going to make it worse."

"How did you even manage to break your arm?"

"Someone was drunk and decided to stand at the edge of a cliff and the edge broke from a Vulcan and she fell."

"Sting totally jumped into action and saved Yame from falling! He's the strongest wizard ever!"

"Did you pull your arm or something?"

Ayame spoke up, "He jumped off the cliff and took the brunt of the fall. We ended up banging off the wall of the cliff."

"What a hero," Kira sarcastically replied.

"Sting," Emi spoke quietly as she neared him, "let me see your arm. I may be able to help."

Sting looked at Emi before grunting and sitting down at a back table at the guildhall. When he was seated, Emi asked him to remove his shirt, which made him blush a deep scarlet. Kira whistled.

"Emi, you're acting very forward today. I'm sure Sting would be more than happy to though, right dragon boy?"

Emi rolled her eyes but nobody could see. She gently moved his arm. Sting hissed again as he felt extreme pain.

"I'm sorry, but it's going to hurt a little."

Yuuki had come back from a job and saw what was happening and smiled.

"Did you guys finally get together?"

Sting answered a little too quickly saying that she had the wrong idea and that he had a broken arm. Mich howled from the bar.

"Mister Bigshot got hurt huh? About time it happened. I've never seen someone as reckless as you."

Sting glared at Mich before crying in more pain as Emi started pulling on his arm a little harder than before.

"Ayame, do you have any types of gas that would numb the pain?"

"I can certainly try. Hey Sting, I'm really sorry."

Ayame created a gas and aimed it at Sting. The dragon slayer seemed to relax a little as the gas started to lessen the pain. She put her hands so they were hovering over his arm and started a spell.

"Sanatio Aqua."

At her command, water started forming a bubble that encased his arm. The gas wore off and Sting's discomfort returned. It was a lot less than before as he felt the bones starting to heal. Sting looked on in awe as she moved the water to fix his arm.

"You're really good at this. I can't feel anything now."

"Don't say that yet."


In one swift moment Emi had forced his arm back into the socket. Sting screamed in pain and tried to catch his breath.


"It's...okay. I can"

"Lady Emiko, is he going to be alright?"

"Don't worry, Lector. A broken arm never killed anyone. He should heal in no time. But," Emi turned to Sting, "you shouldn't be so reckless."

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