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Sting and Emi walked behind everyone else as they all made their way to the castle.

"What other spells do I know? What type of magic do I use? Why don't I remember being able to use magic if I remembered the past year? Can you teach me more spells? Why--"

Sting placed his hand over her mouth, earning a couple of laughs from the wizards walking in front of him.

"Laxus!" Emi suddenly yelled before jogging to catch up to him.

Laxus looked at the woman before asking her to continue.

"Will you please carry me? My feet hurt."

Laxus stopped walking before crossing his arms.

"Absolutely not. Walk."

Emi mirrored his actions before defending, "I almost died."

"Yeah? So did I. I fought a dragon. If anything, you should be carrying me."

The group had walked around the two of them while they continued their staredown. By that time, Sting had caught up to them and picked Emi up and started walking away.


"If you wanted someone to carry you so bad, all you had to do was ask."

"Oh yeah! Sting, will you please carry me?"

Sting put Emi down on the ground before standing with a hand on his hip.

"I don't know, Em. I don't really like being your second choice," Sting countered playfully.

Emi looked up at him before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and jumping on his back. Sting instinctively steadied her legs as they wrapped around his waist. The woman placed her head in his neck and laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Just thinking about how Fairy Tail is so going to kill me for fraternizing with the enemy."

Sting laughed with her.

"Guess I'll just have to kidnap you then."

The king spoke as all the wizards gathered around him, "I want to thank you all for all the work you've done to protect this city. I will be holding a ball for celebration and thanks."

"I want to dance with everyone!"


"Mira, I don't really think I really look natural in this dress," Emi complained.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, it's just so different from what I usually wear. It looks...forced."

"Nonsense!" Erza interrupted. "You look very stunning in that dress."


"Has anyone seen Natsu? I want to celebrate with him!" Sting exclaimed while holding a couple of drinks.

"Hey, Emi," Gray said as he stood next to her with his hand out, "would you like to dance?"

Emi blushed a little before taking his hand and agreeing.

"What the hell is he doing?" Sting growled from across the room.

"Were you not listening to her when the king announced this ball? She wants to dance with everyone here."

Sting huffed as he continued his search for the fire dragon slayer.

"Emi," Elfman started, "can I be your next dance?"

Emi and Elfman started dancing. She then danced with Bickslow, Macao, Wakaba, Jet, Droy, and even Romeo. She looked to the iron dragon slayer and approached him. He spoke up when she reached him.

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