Memories Begin

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay of an update. I had some trouble with log-ins. Get ready for some memories! I don't know exactly how long the memories will end up being in terms of chapters, but so far it's pretty long, so be prepared. Enjoy!


"Momma! Look at what I made."

A woman with light blond hair turned to face the child and asked to see her creation. Emi handed over a small necklace made with blue and purple flowers.

"Now where did you have the time to find all these pretty flowers, sprinkle?"

"I found them on the other side of the hill!"

"Well they're very pretty."

"You already said that, Momma!"

The mother laughed as she turned to the stove where dinner was cooking.

"Momma, can I help?"

Emi's mother scooped the little child up in her arms and held her on her hip while she continued to cook.

"That' mom?"

Lucy stared at the blonde woman, saying, "She looks so much like you, Emi."



There stood a man with brown hair and silver eyes. He was currently chopping wood in what seemed to be the family's backyard.

"What is it, sprinkle?"

"I found this!" Emi yelled excitedly as she held up a rusty sword.

The father gasped before quickly taking the sword away from her.

"Where on earth did you find this? It could be very dangerous to hold a weapon."

"Arthur and I found it in the lake! Now we can rule Camelot like the book says!"


"You two will always keep us on our toes. That's for sure. Where are his parents?"

"They went on a job. Don't worry, Papa! He's staying with his grandma."

Emi thought back to her fairy tale book. She remembered that she was always drawn to the story of King Arthur, but she never knew why.


"You see this one? That's a calendula. It's actually edible and has a little spice to it."

"Wow, Arthur! How do you know all this stuff?"

There were two children sitting at the bottom of a hill. The boy, Arthur, had green eyes and orange hair that stuck up.

"It's all in this book, see?"

The boy motioned over to a green and yellow book that contained different pictures of flowers of all kinds. Emi's eyes sparkled as she quickly leaned over the book to read about all the different flowers. Arthur laughed before shutting the book.

"Why would you do that? I was just starting to read."

"You have to get home for dinner, Em."

"'Em'? He used that name, too?"

Laxus and Sting looked at each other before turning back to the two children walking hand in hand back over the hill and to the village.

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