The Present

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"Lady Emiko, I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a job with me and Sting."

"Of course, Lector. I'd love to go. What's the job?"

Sting appeared behind Emi and explained, "It's a flower arranging job right here in Crocus. Some lady wants us to pick out flowers for her front garden."

"Really? That's awesome! Let's get going!"

"Emi, I wanted to ask you if--"

"No way, Kira. I already asked her to go on a job with me."

"That's so unfair. I told you I was going to ask her."

"Well I asked her before you. Deal with it. We're going to arrange flowers."

Kira huffed before turning to Lector, "You make sure that idiot doesn't do anything stupid."


Emi and Sting were walking towards an unknown location. Sting had said that he was taking Emi to a place that she would really like. They had arrived at a tall hill on the edge of Crocus as Sting continued to pull her by her sleeve. Sting sat down on a grassy spot of the hill and patted the spot next to him. Emi occupied the spot and looked up at the sky. Sting glanced over at Emi.

"Have you ever tried to look at the clouds? You can see all sorts of shapes up there. Like look at that one. It looks like a bird riding a carriage."

Emi looked up at the sky and tried her hardest to imagine the different shapes.

"I don't see anything."

"You have to let your mind relax. Don't even think about it."

Emi found a cloud and pointed, "That one looks like...a tree?"

"You think so? I think it looks more like a camel wearing a cowboy hat."

"I was wrong?"

Sting looked over at her and saw that she looked frustrated.

"No you're not wrong. Everyone sees a cloud differently. It doesn't really have a right answer. It's just fun."

"Does that one look like a sword?"

"Hmm. Maybe a little."

"What do you see?"

"Onion farm."

"No way is that an onion farm. It's clearly a sword."

Sting laughed as he saw the girl lay down on the grass and stare up at the sky.

"Hey Sting! That one looks like a dragon."

Sting followed her finger before agreeing.

"This is fun. I like it."

"I'm glad."


"Emi, you are officially my roommate."

Kira and Emi were in the middle of a box filled room in Kira's apartment. Emi sighed as she looked at all the boxes.

"I didn't even know I had this much stuff. I always stay at the inn."

"Oh yeah. This isn't all your stuff. I bought you some things as a house warming present."

"Kira, only two boxes are mine. You bought five boxes of extra stuff?"

"Yes, but you'll love it. I got you some new clothes and sheets and stuff. Here," Kira started to pull something out of the box, "try this on."

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