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"Damn. The memory changed."

"What's the problem with that, Mira?"

Mira looked defeated as she responded to Gray, "I wanted to see how they acted the morning after the last memory!"

"But why does that matter? She was just going to wake up." Natsu looked confused.

"You two," Mira stated seriously while pointing a finger at them, "tell me what I missed!"

"Uh, we woke up and then she left?"

"That's it?! No realization that you were in love? No acting awkward because you had seen her so vulnerable? No--"

"I did have quite a headache the next morning, but that's about it."

"Can either of you tell me why we're leaving on a job at three in the morning?" Sting moaned.

"We need to make it to the town by ten," Emi said simply.

"Shut it, dragon boy. You had your sleep. Don't be such a baby."

"What did you just say to me?"

Kira and Sting glared at each other as they got closer.

"I said you're a big baby."

"Look who's talking, Miss I Cried the Whole Way Here."

"At least I know how to not complain the entire time."

"Well I know how to not be annoying."

"Really? You really have the balls to say that you're not annoying?"

"You better listen closely when I say that--"

"Knock it off!" Ayame screamed. "It's way too early for this."

"It's true. If you don't want to be bothered by one another then just don't talk to each other."

Kira and Sting both grumbled before continuing to follow the group.

"Sting?" Emi suddenly spoke from the front of the group. The dragon slayer jogged to catch up to her so he could see what she wanted. "Where's Lector?"

"Oh!" Sting grinned and opened up the bag he was carrying on his back, revealing a sleeping Lector inside. "He doesn't like early mornings and he had a lot to eat last night, so I told him I would carry him."

"Hey lovebirds, where exactly are we going?"

Sting turned around and was going to continue to argue with Kira, but Emi grabbed him by the ear and told him to keep walking.

"We're headed to a fishing town called Hargeon. They need help catching a rare type of fish that lives in the harbor. Apparently it only swims into the harbor once every eight years."

"Fishing? We got up at three for a fishing job? Emi!" Kira complained.

Sting gave Kira a side smirk before observing, "Now look who's complaining."


Sting looked to Emi frightened by her cold tone. He gave a nervous chuckle before agreeing to stop arguing.

"Oh thank god," Ayame breathed. "Emi, you saved me magic energy from putting those two to sleep."

"You're actually really intimidating, Emi," Lucy affirmed.

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