#42 Irving vs. The Bride

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I marched out of the tent. Heading for the Assembly Field, where a gong was placed and rung, during occasions when a high-ranked officer wanted to gather the soldiers.

Ashton grabbed my hand "what do you think, you are about to do?"

I released my hand from his and went ahead to hit the gong. Hitting it harder.

"What the..."

"Regalis is in danger" I said. 

Ashton took a step forward, eyes blazing "in danger from you?"

I frowned "this is serious. I had a vision. Something will befall him in the Midlands. I saw it, Ashton, believe me".

He doubted me during my trial for Wallace's case. Will he do so now? I couldn't save Regalis alone but, I would if I have to.

Then, suddenly, something came to my mind, “Ashton, you didn't go along with Regalis and others to the Midlands. Why?"

Ashton had a huge crush on Cederic so, every opportunity to spend time trying to gain Cederic's attention (in a camp not full of hundreds of people) was an opportunity Ashton would never let pass by.

"Tell me" I said.

"You know why" he answered.

I gazed at him "you don't trust me" I said.

"Am I supposed to?" he responded.

He stayed back so, he could keep an eye on me. So, he could watch me to know what my plans for his bestfriend were.

Several soldiers had now gathered. And even General Irving, Duncan's father, was now marching towards Ashton and I.

"General Ashton. Was it your order to sound the gong?" General Irving asked.

Ashton stayed mute.

"Lady Xe..."

I stopped hitting the gong "look, I know you don't like me, but His Highness is in danger now, he needs us!"

"And you know this, because?" Irving said.

"I have visions! We have to leave now" I faced the soldiers. As each second went, a piece of my heart fell off. I hoped I don't arrive late to the Midlands.

"You are not taking my soldiers anywhere" General Irving bellowed. His voice, filled with authority and control.

I glared at him. These are not his soldiers! They are Regalis's. The Kingdom of Armalith's men.

"Never!" Irving thundered "you've somehow bespelled His Highness! And wrapped him round your dirty little finger but, I won't let you do that too, to the men I train" Irving said.

"This is not your army!" I roared.

"But I'm one of its Generals. I take control when the Commander-in-Chief isn't here".

He stepped back, glowered at me,  "for hitting the gong, without express permission, you deserve to be punished. Females, do not hit the gong" he stressed each word of Randall's Law.

"Soldiers, take her away. And have her locked up!" He ordered.

"What?" I was shocked. Regalis was in danger and Irving's goal right now was to bully me? I couldn't believe that he was putting his hatred for me, above the fact that his Commander-in-Chief's life was at risk.

And then I thought, what's happening here? Could it be that, like me, Irving also worked secretly for Randall? And now he knew I was about to stop Randall's plans, he wants to lock me up?

Now, I thought of it, someone from the camp must have been the one to inform King Randall of Regalis's trip. Else, from the Capital, how could he know Regalis left the North? Is Irving a threat to Regalis?

"Stop" Ashton suddenly spoke. In a calm and collected voice.

I turned back to look at him. That was when, I realised there were now three of Ashton. Exact clones of him. He was using his Gift.

The other two of him held back the soldiers that had been coming to lock me away, based on Irving's orders. One of the clones (now huge like a giant, with a strong impenetrable body) held one of Irving's soldiers with his hand wrapped round the soldier's neck. The other clone had twisted the second soldier's hand and pushed it to his back.

"We are going to the Midlands" the Ashton that stood near me announced.


Ashton lifted a hand, signalling Irving to maintain his silence. "We march for the Midlands".

"More than half of you will remain here to protect the camp, while one-quarter of you, will ride with Lady Xemein and I" Ashton said.

"General Ash..."

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Colonel Duncan" Ashton glared at Duncan who had dared to speak.

Usually, Ashton was the funny one. The loud voice in a group, but lately, I had started to see his fierce side. The side that must have let Regalis make him one of his Generals.

"We march now!" He ordered.

And as we got unto our horses, riding at the speed of light, I hoped that we were not too late. Too late to save my new friends. And a man, my heart now undeniably beats for!

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