#17 The Magicless Lake

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Maybe because Shalott had not seen me in a while, she was exceptionally clingy, this morning. Growling whenever I stopped touching her body.

Regalis and I have been holed up in his cabin, for the past few days. We didn't step out of the door. And even leaving the four walls of our bedroom to make meals in the kitchen was a difficult task, 'cause all our bodies had been interested in, was making love. Deep, primal all day-fucking.

I looked back, as Regalis stepped out of the cabin and closed the door. The snowflakes falling on his silver hair.

He looked so attractive right now. I wished I could paint this relaxed look of his, and not just keep it with me forever, but also, show it to all those mothers who have raised their kids to fear the Dark Lord, they've never even seen.

He held my nape and gave me a quick scorching kiss.

I smiled, "you look so handsome this morning" I said.

"You too" he said, "beautiful as ever".

And then, he faced Shalott "you're a big girl. Now, let Xemein go" he said.

I tried to stop petting Shalott but, she started growling again.

"No. No" Regalis said. Stroked Shalott's head "if she wants your touch this much, just like I do" he winked at me "let's both take her riding then" he said.

And in a few seconds, he was on Shalott's back.

"Are you sure?" I said, suddenly recalling that we both had been so busy with each other, that we didn't come out to feed Shalott. "She must be hungry. She can't carry both of..."

He let out a huff of laughter. And as if Shalott understood my words too, laughter glimmered in her eyes.

"Why are you laughing?" I said to Regalis  "she must be starving" I insisted.

He looked at me. Smiling. So broadly, like the bridge across the Kasso sea.

"Shalott is a hunter" he said "she is fully capable of feeding herself".

"But..." I started to argue, that the other time at the castle, we fed her together.

"I just enjoy doing it" he said "to spoil her" he stroked Shalott's ear.

Without warning, he lifted me. And placed me in front of him, on Shalott's broad back. "Move" he ordered.

And Shalott took a few steps forward, and shot into the air!

I was flying. It seemed unbelievable. We moved through space, touching the falling snow flakes. I soon regretted not wearing a thicker cloth. As it was cold up here. Sickeningly cold. I sneezed.

And soon, before I knew it, Shalott was descending. And her feet touched the magicless ground, as she came to rest near a body of water.

A lake!

With the vapour coming out from one end of the lake, I knew, this was a warm lake.

A natural warm lake!

I jumped down from Shalott. Tossing away my footwear and clothing, I entered the water. 

Damn! I was right. This felt like warm heaven to my cold bones. I rolled in the water. Swam, as I stretched my hands. And let my hair fall down my back.

Where is Regalis?

I looked at the bank of the lake. And there he was, slowly entry the water, undressed.

I took in a sharp breath.

Each time, Regalis went nude, I somehow became too enthralled to look away. It was often like, my eyes were bees, and his body, pure honey. And what did they say about bees always finding honey irresistible?

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