#22 The Gladiators' Arena

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Although it's been hours since we left Ian and Aria, still, it was clear that Regalis remained unhappy. He couldn't even feign a smile. Sadness, on every line of his face.

"I'm so sorry" he said. "Sorry, you were born into a kingdom like this. Where our customs and traditions do not protect you. Do not consider nor regard your gender".

He sighed. While I rode on, silently beside him. We purchased an extra horse, after leaving the forge.

Ian's words rang in my mind. This bride collar can't be removed by an ordinary collar mage like me. Or by any other collar mage here in the North. Only returning back to the palace can set her free.

"I'd have ridden with you to the Capital, if I thought my father would see reason and call his collar mage to set you free" his shoulders dropped "but then, I know him, champion of barbaric customs. He'd never..."

"After, our first child" I said, "I will be free of the collar" I said, purposely encouraging his mind to keep thinking that my collar was placed on me, for the same reason other brides wore theirs "So, don't get worked up anymore" I said and looked away from him. Unable to stare at him, and bear his pain-filled countenance which hid nothing about how hurt he felt. About how being unable to give me freedom till 'I gave birth', broke him.

"I'll never stop trying to get that collar removed" he vowed.

It will only remove, when I end you. My mind said.

I continued riding alongside him, until minutes later, I noticed where we were. We were close to a tall building. And from there, noise emanated. A large crowd was definitely gathered there. A gladiators' match? If it was, it was there Randall's  slaves fought for their freedom.

"Come" Regalis said, after we came down from our horses, and he led me by the hand towards the tall building, for us to join the crowd. 

He passed a gold coin to the man at the entrance who let us climb a wooden stairs, to the upstairs part of the building, where there were fewer people, and we could gaze directly into the gladiators' pit (where the fight occurred between a slave and a massive bull, raised and brought from the Capital).

In the pit now, was a huge man. One of the biggest men I've ever come across! He had to be twice the size of the biggest man, most people would say they've seen.

He was fighting a bull. A large bull, whose body was as wide as a water drum, and whose horn looked like the sharpest knife one would ever need to make a quick, clean cut through the belly or torso of any mortal.

In a slave gladiators' match, only the fit survived. Gifts were not permitted to be used. You fight for your freedom with just your body. And one blade alone!

Regalis's knuckles cracked.

I looked at him.

"I hate this" he muttered to himself, beneath his breath. The words, coming out with almost the same amount of hate, he showed towards my bride collar.

"Maybe someday, when you're king. You'll end all this" I said, referring to the collars and slavery.

He looked at me, "have you ever met my father?" he said.

"Uh..." Was I supposed to say yes?
That the first time I met him, he and his sorcerers imprisoned my country people underground?

"No" I responded. "I simply received the edict ordering our marriage".

He chuckled, "if you have, you wouldn't you wouldn't say what you just said" he said "'cause if you knew him, you'd know, the old man is not about to let himself die anytime soon".

So, did that mean slavery would continue in Armalith for several more years? The thought of it made me sick. Marjol was not perfect, true. But, we considered slavery a crime. A big offence, actually! And of course, that was what led to our downfall in the hands of King Randall, who ordered my father to make tributes of twenty babies and thirty adults trimonthly.

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