#46 Friendship Rebuilt

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Feeling a cold touch on my head. My eyes opened slowly.


I heard.

"You are awake"

My eyes opened fully "Ashton".

"Welcome back" he said. He was sitting beside me, on the bed I was lying on.

He removed the cold piece of cloth that was on my forehead.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"A couple of hours".

Then, recalling how I last saw Regalis, looking weak and broken, I tried to stand up, Ashton held me back.

"Regalis" I said "how is he?"

Ashton nodded "he's fine. And would be here soon".

My heart calmed down "and others?"

"Fine" he answered.

Recalling that a man he loved, had also almost lost his life, I added, "and Cederic? I hope he jas regained the strength to start ignoring your affections once again".

He laughed.

And then, for the next few seconds, neither of us spoke. The awkwardness from the night he caught me, about to hurt Regalis, slipping into the room.

Then Ashton said, "I didn't know you were a Feeder".

"I'm sor..."

Many Gifted weren't comfortable with a Feeder being around them. For if one were to meet a power-hungry Feeder, with or without offending him or her, he could get interested in your Gift, and choose to absorb part of your Gift, or all of it, with or without your consent.

"Don't apologize" he responded "you saved the best people in my life, that's all that matters".

He lowered his voice "I won't say that I know the reason why you tried to harm Regalis, but, I'll tell you this Xemein, Regalis is a great person. Wonderful. Kind. And a fantastic husband".

"I've seen how he looks at you. And cares for you. So, don't destroy your marriage. Because, truthfully, he will be the best man you'll ever wed".

He stood up "lest I forget".

I looked up at him.

"Your Feeder powers is part of who you are. You shouldn't feel sorry for that. And neither, should you have to apologize to anyone for having it. You didn't pick the Gift. It picked you".

Didn't he feel vulnerable being around me? With a thought, I could sap all his Gift away and draw it into my body.

He smiled, as if he could read my thoughts "and no. I don't feel vulnerable being near you".

His smile, displaying that gorgeous jovial countenance of his, that I missed seeing for the past few days. And he said, "any other secrets?"

I shook my head. Tears in my eyes. On the tip of my tongue, was the urge to tell him the truth. Tell him everything. About Marjol. About the deal with Randall.

He walked to the centre table in the room. Poured the ale in a large container into two cups, passed one to me and held the other.

And I said, "cheers to being friends again".

He nodded, grinning "friends, with no secrets between them".

I know reading a story once a week may seem slow. Nonetheless, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your patience and consistent support. I'm truly grateful❤.

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