#14 The Untamed Ones

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My eyes opened slowly.

And when I did look around. I realised I was no longer chained to the walls of a dungeon. No longer in a dirty outfit, feeling like every pore and cell of my skin was clogged with dirt.

Now, I felt fresh, like I had just taken a warm bath. And I was in neat clothes.

I sat up. My shoulder hurt. I touched it. It was bandaged.

Where am I?

Who treated me?

Who changed my clothes?

As I started to panic, I perceived the rich aroma of food. And the door of the room I was in, opened.

Instinctively, I moved back.

But then, watched as Regalis stepped through the door. Carrying a tray of food, he dropped on a table in front of me.

Gently, he helped me sit properly, mindful of my shoulder. He opened the lids of the ceramic plates, to a delicious-looking mouthwatering meal.

"You can cook" I said.

"If you want me to" He grinned. His eyes boring into mine.

I looked away. Feeling uncomfortable. The intense stare of Regalis's blue eyes, and how kind I've come to realise he was, could put my heart in so much trouble.

I lifted the spoon and took a spoonful of the food he prepared. I breathed in. Delicious. As I recalled the final events from the last night I was awake...

As we left the torture centre, Regalis carrying me in his arms. He strode to the excrement pit where Tyrion and his guards were and he said, "when anyone ask, what befell the Prime Minister's niece, tell them, the Dark Lord's wrath paid a visit".

And as we mounted Shalott to leave, Nadia said, "come on, Regalis. You think you've to protect me, for killing that bitch?"

"Caterina comes from a prominent family. Her death could cause the country's Ministers to want to file a petition for your head but none, would dare boldly petition for my death".  

"But then, those Ministers would become your enemy" she said.

He gazed at her "what's one or two more enemies to the long list I already have, so far as you're safe".

The words touched my heart. He was a loyal friend. Faithful to the core. Loved animals. And now, could cook too.

He patted my wounded shoulder. Then, my cheeks softly "keep eating. You need your strength back".

I looked at him. And then, chose to continue eating. Slowly recollecting, that it was Nadia who assisted me with my bath. I must've passed out after that, 'cause I don't remember any other detail.

"Nadia" I said "where's she?"

"Gone" Regalis answered "she left to pay for the ointment and bandage, the unGifted healer sold to her for your injury".

I nodded. Still feeling a bit uncomfortable. As Regalis and I have never been completely alone together. And now, we were. It was in a very quiet place.

To fill the silence, I said, "I thought you are always needed at the camp".

He laughed. "If they can't survive without me for a few days, then, I'd have to demote all my Generals" he said.

I inclined my head in agreement. "Nonetheless, we could've just gone there. You must've a fixed schedule and goal for this training period, I don't want to be the one who hinders..."

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