#57 Pains & Losses

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It was evening, and the sun was already setting, but what it felt like to us, was that the day was just beginning, and the setting sun was announcing the start of our problems.

"Longest time, son" Randall said, clapping as his eyes met Regalis's for the first time in years.

Father and son, both looking very much alike, yet one, wore the promise of death like an unremovable cloak, the other, a cloak of innocence, and perhaps, vulnerability.

Forbidden magic, all but crackling around Randall.

We stood on a magicless plot of land, between the borders of the Midlands and the North Central. Randall invited us here, for the exchange of Nadia and whatever else he'd want from us.

On a hill above us, was Randall and his league of sorcerers. And seated on a vast chair, like a Lord presiding over his lands, was Randall, chewing an apple from the big bowl of red apples in his front.

His sorcerers stood round his seat. And kneeling on the ground near him, tied up with ropes, was Nadia. She was gagged.

"Release her now!" Brayton growled.

And Randall continued chewing his apple, legs crossed, as though no one had spoken. As though the growl in Brayton's voice, had not been harsh enough to send enough to send many a man running into walls.

"It's so pleasant to see you, Regalis" Randall said.

"I cannot say the same" Regalis returned.

And Randall cackled. He'd the advantage over everyone here, and he knew it. We could not use our magic. While his sorcerers were fully capable of accomplishing feats on this magicless land.

"It's me you want dead" Regalis said, "take me. And let Nadia go".

The sound of Randall's teeth crushing his apple, disturbed the silence that came after Regalis's words.

"So easy" Randall said. "Take the nearest blade and stab yourself to death".

My heart missed a beat. And even from where I stood, I could see Nadia shaking her head, fighting against the ropes, and the gag, she didn't want Regalis dying for her.

I moved closer to Regalis. I didn't want to lose him. But then watched, as he pulled out a dagger from a sheath in his boots.

"My death, for Nadia's safety" he lifted the blade into the air, about to stab himself, when the dagger in his hands suddenly disappeared.

Reappearing in the hands of one of the sorcerers beside Randall. He handed the blade, over to Randall.

He held it. Rolled the blade in his left hand, "wasn't this the blade your grandfather gifted you?" Randall said.

"It's none of your business" Regalis said, "whichever blade I use, is my own..."

Randall shook his head, placed the stiletto on the table with his bowl of apples, "you see this blade, very special, and you know it".

Brayton dug out his own dagger, fell on his knees and stretched out his hands, "if there's anyone's death you seek today, then please -" the words, dripping from his mouth with so much hurt.

It must've cost him a lot to kneel. To kneel to the captor of the woman he loved. After all, he should be attempting to slay Randall. But, he recognized the truth. At this meeting place, where Randall chose, he, Regalis, Cederic, Ashton and myself, put together, were no match for four sorcerers.

Brayton continued, "let it be my death".

"Wow!" Randall clapped. The apple, in his hand, finished.

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