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"You can't even win a simple game" Regalis drawled in my ear.

I glared at him, with a sharp look. And he covered his lips to laugh. The crowd yelling, just as the robust man beside us lost the game. I also lost, when I attempted it.

It was a game of throwing hoops. Whatever the hoop you throw falls on, you win it. However, here was the catch, near the prizes to be won, was a wind-blowing device, constantly on, throughout the game, so when a player throws their hoop, onto the ground, aiming for a particular prize, there was a chance the wind would blow one's hoop in another direction. Making it land on the bare ground, instead of an object.

"Cockroach" I said to him, "so, you won't tell me the trick to win this game?"

He chuckled, "listen" he said.

"Oh please", I rolled my eyes. Just as the last person that had waited to play the game, lost too. He won nothing.

The vendor of the game, full of smiles, announced, "who's next?" as he pocketed another silver coin. He made his profits from people losing and losing again, with them, thinking that if they focused one more time, and try again, their hoop could actually land on an object of value. Five silver coin prize, or ten silver, or perhaps, everyone's dream, the gold coin-value prize.

To enter the game, the player drops a bronze coin, which entitled him to two rounds of the game, where he tries to win a prize. If he loses in any round, after the two tries, he was out of the game. And have to pay again, to play another two rounds. Sometimes, a player could even pay up to ten times, depending on how badly they want the item they hoped to win.

While for a winner. A person who wins prize in his first two rounds. He was entitled to another three rounds of the game, where he tries to win more prizes. However, having a winner, was an uncommon occurrence. Most people, who win in only one round, often win it by chance, 'cause the blowing wind, worked in their favour, while in the next round, it didn't.

The vendor's eyes fell on me. And then, on Regalis's too pretty face.

Oh no! The light, that filled the vendor's eyes. Damn. I could guess what he was thinking. That Regalis and his handsome face, was another chance for him to make easy money.

He came closer to us, and before he spoke one word out of his mouth, I said, "you don't want him to play. Trust me". I've seen Regalis's throwing, shooting and archery skills, they were excellent. Even when blindfolded, he still hit his target. Hence, I've learnt anything involving his hands, was something he was bound to win.

"Oh. You think he could win?" The vendor said, as he looked Regalis up and down.

Don't judge a book by its cover! I wanted to scream.

Regalis had a warrior's body but somehow, his handsome face just somehow, gave the impression that he couldn't be good at anything either challenging or cumbersome.

And since, his hands were always in gloves, they could not see the calluses from years and years of training.

The blond eyebrows of the vendor arched up, "well, how well can he perform? The only person who has achieved a formidable record here, is General Ashton. Won three prizes here. While playing the game, fifteen yards away from the usual standing spot".

"Can you do better?" the vendor said, putting two hoops in Regalis's gloved hand.

And because, I knew Regalis, he would aim at surpassing every record the vendor had ever seen. He grinned at me.

And walked towards the spot where a player should stand, and throw his hoop. A yard away from where the various prizes were laid out on the ground.

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