#65 The Road to the Capital

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We were asleep that night, when a sudden scream caused us to awaken.

Not a scream. Screams. As though an entire town was yelling.




Kidnappers? My eyes widened.

Regalis looked at me. If I was right, we've reached the same conclusion. The set of people who have been kidnapping children from different towns and villages, were here tonight.

What a coincidence. We were on our way to the Capital. And since, it was getting dark, had to pay for an inn here in the North West.

Regalis sped to his sword and gripped it. We both raced to the window of our upstairs rented room, and gazed out. A crowd holding fire torches, were chasing three men, each, held a child in his arms.

Regalis looked at me, "stay safe" he said and jumped out through the window.


How could he just...?

And I watched, as Ashton and Cederic landed on the ground too. They had also jumped from their bedroom windows and were now, in pursuit of the kidnappers who were rushing towards a waiting carriage.

I can't stay here!

How can I help?

I stormed out of the room, speeding down the stairs and out of the inn.

On reaching outside, I noticed the crowd had taken several steps back. As though they were scared to go closer to the kidnappers. And they should be! 'Cause what now stood at the centre, was a giant Adder!

Adders were Gifted who could combine their Gifts and bodies together, making them into a giant, with twice the strength and speed, no one would normally have.

And now, the three kidnappers who I had seen earlier, had now formed a single body - a giant one - and was now attacking Regalis, Cederic and Ashton.

One of the six arms of the Adder grasped Ashton by his leg, and violently thrashed him against the ground.

Regalis's sword moved, and cut the Adder on one of his arms. Cederic's sword did the same.

It was obvious to me, that they didn't want to kill the Adder/kidnappers. Regalis wanted them alive, to question them. To know where other kidnappers were, else, with his Gift of lightning, he would've brought an end to this fight a long time ago.

The arms of the Adder moved, and gripped Cederic. Holding him by his throat. It lifted him into the air. Huge Cederic. Being lifted, like he weighed nothing!

I had to end this!

My hands stretched. Since, these Adders won't use their Gifts for the good of others, but instead, prefer to use it, to put tears on the faces of mothers, I might as well do hundreds a favour, and suck it right out of them.

At once, I started Feeding. Feeding on their magic, and feeling it as it sank into me.

"A Feeder!" The Adder cried out as it felt my magic, trying to separate them back into single entities. "You foul..." As it tried to march towards me, Regalis's sword swung, and slashed the Adder by its waist!

At once, it disintegrated!

Each kidnapper, rolling out on the ground.

One, was bleeding profusely. His neck had been slashed.

The second, Cederic instantly stopped, with his big foot on him. And his sword at his throat.

"Confess" Cederic said.

And the kidnapper - a dark man with dark eyes - smiled "you'll never know" and instantly, swallowed a poison pill beneath his tongue.

What? Rather die, than call the name of who sent you?

The third man stood up and tried to run off but, Regalis was in front of him, holding a blade to his neck.

The man cringed backwards. Moving towards the carriage. Regalis followed. His eyes alert.

"You want to live. I can ensure that. However, confess now. Who sent you? Do you've partners who're attacking any other...?"

"Look out!" the kidnapper screamed "one of the kids is about to fall from the carriage".

And Regalis turned back. To check.

At once, the kidnapper struck the horse attached to the carriage. And swiftly, the horse sped into motion. Racing off, with the carriage full of children behind it.

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