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"Come in, it's amazing" I said to Regalis, as I stood in my tunic in the middle of our private royal palace spring.

"It's so cold, but I love it" I said, touching the waters round me.

"And that is exactly why I hate it" he said, "what kind of spring is colder than the weather in the North?"

I burst into laughter. Gosh. What the hell. "The spring is cold but not that cold". I laughed harder. Damn. Ashton was really rubbing off on him. He was starting to exaggerate like Ashton. Colder than the Northern weather? Impossible.

I watched as Regalis continue drinking from his cup of wine, humming joyfully.

Really? He would ignore me?

"So, you won't..."

"No" he said, "I love it here on the bank. Swim away" he gulped down another cup of wine and chewed the last piece of bread on his other hand.

Is that so? I chuckled inwards. I'll make him run in here in less than a second.

And so, I submerged in the spring. Letting the surface of the water be above every inch of me.

And then, a second later. From the spring bank, I heard Regalis's voice. Filled with fear. "Xemein".

I didn't answer. Didn't respond.

Did he say the spring was cold? I'd make him enter here and swim with me.

"Xemein!" his voice has risen now. "Xemein!"

And he jumped into the spring. Definitely thinking I'd drowned. Few seconds later, my head was above water, as he held me, patting my cheek, "Xemein! Xemein! Please, wake up, I'll enter the spring with you, next time".

He was about to put his lips on mine, and force air down my throat, when I could no longer hold it in, and bursted into fits of laughter.

"Look at your face" I laughed so hard, "the fear".

"Really?" he said. Serious.

"Really" I answered back, laughing "it's not my fault that you forgot that I can now breathe underwater just like you". The Gift I received from Aurora. I could control the flow of water and also, stay below a large body of water for hours now, without feeling a shred of discomfort.

He glared at me.

I glared right back. Sticking my tongue out. As I held my laughter.

"You made me scared" he said.

"What's the thrill of a long life together. If I don't sometimes increase your adrenaline levels?"

We continued glaring. And then, suddenly, he pushed me right back into the water. What! When I came up again, he splashed water on my face. Right on my open lips.

Really? I splashed water right back at him. As he did the same. We, splashing water at each other.

And I smiled. I knew it! I knew he'd come after me. He would never let me sink. Never let me drown. For if I was in a sea of fire, I was certain of one thing, he too, would be made of ashes.

And even as he laughed, pretending to be angry for a moment. I could not hold back the gloat I felt. I yelled, "what a lucky woman! I have a husband who loves me above ALL THINGS!"

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