#13 Knights in Shining Armour

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What made me open my eyes, on that extremely cold night, was the noise of an angry growl. Gooh!

The skies rumbled.

The loud fear-inspiring growl of a dragon ringing in my ears, as the din of ferocious lightning followed it.

I was in an enclosed place. Yet, I could still tell that this lightning that seemed to want to tear apart the skies, wasn't natural. It was man-made. The work of an extraordinarily powerful Gifted!

"The Dark Lord!"

"The Dark Lord!" One of Caterina's guards stormed into the cell. Juddering, with sweat all over him. At a glance, one would think he had just run thousands of miles to reach here. He breathed heavily. "He's here!"

"He's here!" The guard repeated, panting.

Everyone in the room, took a step back. In obvious dread. Their display of fear, worse than when a person hears a mountain lion was headed their way.

"I thought you said, He'd never come to save her!"

"You were certain He would never leave the camp for her!" Judge Tyrion, Caterina's husband yelled with fright.

The panic, that infused every of his facial pore was a kind I've never seen before.

He started stuttering. He and every guard in the room "..." . Words unable to leave their once-chatty mouths.

Judge Tyrion accompanied his wife, tonight. And for the last hours I've been the butt of their joke.

As Caterina boasted of how she easily trapped me, using my healing Gift against me. "Create an injury, and any Gifted healer, would walk towards it, to try heal it" she said, laughing.

While her husband responded, speaking to me, "such a shame that if this branding iron wound, was on others, you could heal it with just a touch. But now, on your own body, your healing Gift can't even help you".

"What a waste" he said.

"I'd rather not even have a Gift. Than have a Gift, that help others, but can't help me" Caterina said. Her husband nodding along.

"I won't help anyone with it, since it can't help me" Tyrion concluded.

I hissed. Recalling a few memories from the last hours.

As a couple, Caterina and Judge Tyrion really fit. I won't help anyone with it, since it can't help me. They were truly the most selfish persons I've ever come across! Either in Armalith or beyond it.

They were the kind of couple to tear down the only bridge left to cross a river, simply because they had crossed, and the bridge no longer served a purpose for them.

They'd tear the bridge down, without care for the others who still also wanted to cross the vast river.

"It can't be" Caterina mumbled, she faced Tyrion, a fine-looking man in his forties. No wonder she was set on making an example of any female that his stare lingers on.

"The Prince never leaves the camp at this time of the year".

When soldiers were being trained.

"It's not possible" Caterina added. Faced her guard that ran into the cell "did you see the Dark Lord with your own eyes? Because if it's just the lightning, it could be a natural..."

Her words ceased as the building shook. Gboom. Gboom. Like heavy bolts of thunder just struck it.

And along with that, came footsteps.

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