▪︎ Demetri - First Kiss Pt. 1 ▪︎

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"Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby... yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby... Like you." I sing to myself. I strum my guitar lightly while sitting outside, behind the school, a couple hours after classes. I continue to lightly strum the guitar and sing. "Oh she doesn't know what she's missin'."

I continue to hum to the tune, bobbing me head to the music lightly. Everything is so nice and peaceful, until I hear the sound of footsteps coming up next to me. My heart pounds and I whip me head to the side, only to see Demetri standing in front of me.

"I hope you don't mind that I interrupted your singing, I was just hoping I could sit here... A few of the Cobra Kai kids are after me." He awkwardly smiles.

"I- um... yeah. Sit, I guess." I mumble, flustered a bit.

"I heard you singing... it was very good, but I don't completely understand the song." Demetri says, staring down at his feet.

"It's about a boy who really wants to take this girl out on a date, but he thinks she doesn't even know he exists, but not to long after she goes on a date with him." You explain.

"Oh..." He mumbles very softly. I look into the distance at the sun slowly setting.

"Do you wanna hear some more of it?" I ask him, shrugging a bit.

"Oh, uh, yeah... sure." He smiles.

"But she doesn't know who I am, and she doesn't give a damn about me. Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby... Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby... Listen it Iron Maiden baby with me... ooooh." I sing to him and keep strumming my guitar.

"Iron Maiden?" He asks. I nod and stop playing.

"I'm still working on learning the rest of the song." There's a pause. "So what led you back here, hiding away at the school?" I ask, beginning to strum my guitar again.

"I don't know, I was just, running for them, and after a while I finally lost them... I ended up here. Then I saw you and thought maybe if they did somehow find me again, they wouldn't beat me up since I'm with someone, but I doubt they'd care." Demetri says, pulling up his socks a bit. "Why are you here?"

"This is my safe space." I smile, lightly setting the guitar down. Demetri stares at it in awe. "I usually come here to practice songs... The one you just heard is something I just started learning."

"You just started learning that? You already sound really good!" He exclaims. "It would take me forever to learn anything on the guitar, and I'm also not that great of a singer."

"Demetri, if you put your mind to it, you would be amazing at anything. You're the smartest kid I know." I chuckle a bit.

"Are you sure? I feel like I'd be so bad I'd make everyone's ears bleed." Demetri says, widening his eyes.

"That's how you can defeat the Cobra Kai kids." I chuckle.

"Yeah, that would definitely stop Hawk from coming after me." Demetri smiles, the same way he always does, with his dorky side smile. There's a bit of silence between us, it's not awkward though... it's just peaceful silence.

"Hey, I'd like to apologize for not sitting with you for the past couple weeks. It's not that I don't want to see you and study with you, but I've been trying to dissociate myself from both Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai."

"Oh no, I completely understand. Although I've missed you, this rivalry is getting way out of hand." Demetri says, turning his head and looking over at me. "I don't want you to get dragged into this anyways. I don't want them all hurting you. I would blame myself for that." I nod, only slightly, and the two of us stare at each other. We sit silently, and I begin to remember how much I miss hanging out with Demetri.

"Demetri?" I mumble, our eyes still locked on one another.

"Yeah?" He says at the same tone I did. A light breeze begins, I hear the sound of birds chirping and the sun slowly sets down.

"Can I kiss you?" I suddenly ask. It's out of no where and honestly totally random, but I think this is something the two of us have wanted for a while now.

Demetri nods yes, not saying a word though. My body leans in and I set my hand on the ground to balance myself, then I kiss him lightly on the lips. After only a moment, him and I lean away from each other. We stare at one another for a moment.

I'm tempted to ask him if he liked the kiss, but that seemed a bit too weird. Before I can say anything else though, he grabs my chin and pulls me in for another kiss. That doesn't seem like Demetri. He never makes the first move.

"(Y/N), I really like you..." Demetri says, pulling me back out of the kiss. "I think I..." He pauses, not being able to finish his sentence.

"Love me?" I ask. He nods in agreement. I smile.

"Other than Eli, I've known you longer then anyone at this school... and at the moment Eli and I aren't on good terms as you know, but you haven't left me." He explains, lightly setting his hand on my knee. "I-I just don't know..." He begins to stumble over his words and stutter. That's the Demetri I know. "I just don't know how to date someone... I don't want to do anything wrong."

"I don't how to date either though." I mutter, smiling. "I've never kissed anyone until right now." Demetri grins his dorky smile again and I grab his hand, squeezing it tightly.

Do you want a part two... maybe a bit more about your relationship with Demetri or something happening with you and Cobra Kai-?

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