▪︎ Robby - It's Okay Pt. 3 ▪︎

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This will probably be the last part to "It's Okay." I just wanted to end it off on a happy note. I hope you like it!
Robby and I are in the guest house at Mr. Larusso's. Robby's on his bed, lying down. I'm curled up next to him on the bed, my head is on his chest. Robby lightly rubs his hand up and down my back. There's light music in the back. Nothing crazy or loud, just something soothing. I nuzzle my face closer to Robby.

My mind begins to rush with thoughts. How happy I am with Robby and how much I love him. The day we first kissed. These last couple of weeks with him. My mind begins thinking about how all of this happened and why.

"Robby?" I mumble. Robby lifts his head a bit and looks down at me. I sit up and sit cross legged on his bed. He sits up completely and look at me a bit confused.

"Yeah... What's up?" He asks, smirking a bit.

"Why did you choose me?" I blurt out. He looks confused. "It's just that, you could have any other girl. Like Sam... I don't know..."

"Why are you even asking that?" Robby asks, seeming a bit worried now.

"I don't know. I just- The more I think about it the more I wonder. I mean, look at me I'm not like the other girls..." I pause a moment and look down at myself. I've never been the biggest fan of how I look. "And I carry a good amount of drama and problems since I was apart of Cobra Kai." I shrug a bit. Robby scoots closer to me and puts his hands on my shoulders, pulling me into a hug.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I shrug.

"It's just I've never dated anyone and I sit here and wonder how I got someone like you." I tell him trying to fake a smile. I tear lightly rolls down my cheek. Robby wipes it away.

"I love you, okay. You're absolutely gorgeous. I don't want Sam Larusso. I don't want any other girl. I want you. I love everything about you, (Y/N)." Robby smiles and puts his hand on my cheek. " I don't care that you carry drama. No matter what we do there's gonna be drama between Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai."

I nod a bit. Suddenly, without thought, I throw myself into his arms. I'm in tears. I feel stupid for crying, but I've never felt more loved than I am right now. Robby rubs my back as I cry. No one's ever treated me this way... I've always been looked down upon, judged, bullied, beaten up. Robby cares about me though.

Robby pulls me out of the hug and looks at me, our faces very close together. Another tear rolls down my cheek, as Robby grabs my face.

"We all doubt ourselves and have a hard time dealing with how we look. We all have regrets and we all wish we didn't have to deal with drama." He says. "I understand how you feel, and I understand that a lot of your pain and feelings came from Cobra Kai, but you're safe now." I smile at him through my tears.

"I love you so much, Robby Keene. I hope you know that." I tell him. "You've treated me better than anyone. From the moment we first met you just wanted to make sure I was okay..." He pulls me into a kiss.

It's passionate and amazing. I wrap my arms around him tightly as we kiss. His hands find their way to my waist and he pulls my body closer, squeezing me into a hug. I pull out of the kiss and smile at him. He wipes away the rest of my tears and smiles back at me. He flops down onto the bed, and I curl up next to him.

He flips onto his side so he can stare at me. We watch each other for a moment before kissing over and over again.
I know that this is fairly cheesy, but I thought I should write something like this.

People really deal with issues of self worth and sometimes different comfort character and Imagines can help with that, so, I hope you enjoyed this last part that ends on a good note.

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