▪︎ Robby - It's Okay Pt. 2 ▪︎

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It had been two weeks since I joined Miyagi-Do. I completely started to skip school in fear of the kids at Cobra Kai, and instead continued to train with Robby and Mr. Larusso. Robby and I had grown closer and I slowly started to open up a bit more about class at Cobra Kai and some of the kids that beat me up.

Robby was nice. He listened, help me, made me feel comfortable and welcome, and over time I began to start have feelings for him.

"You kids are doing amazing!" Mr. Larusso exclaimed as Robby and I trained. All of our training was going well, and personally I enjoyed it more than Cobra Kai's policies and training. I pull Robby into a choke hold and he smiles.

"You got me." He chuckles, and with that I let him go. He hugs me, and then the two of us bow to Mr. Larusso. Mr. Larusso bows back and then puts his hands on his hips.

"You two are doing really good. You deserve a break. You should go out tonight!" Mr. Larusso raises an eyebrow. "As long as you're back by 11 Robby."

"Really Mr. Larusso?" Robby does his signature little side smile as Mr. Larusso nods.

"I am really proud of you two. You're both doing very, very well!" Mr Larusso says, walking up to the two of us and patting our backs.

"Thank you, Mr. Larusso." I smile and bow again. I turn to Robby and raise an eyebrow. "So... you wanna go hang out tonight?" I ask. Robby nods.

"Yeah, of course I do." He thinks for a moment. "You wanna go to the diner?" I think about it for a moment before agreeing.

"Well remember, be safe." Mr. Larusso says, heading inside the dojo to pack up his stuff and head over to the car dealership.

"Yes Sensei." Robby and I say in unison. I follow Mr. Larusso into the dojo to pack up my stuff. I wipe away the remaining sweat from my forehead and then pick up my backpack.

"I'll pick you up at 7." I tell Robby, patting him on the shoulder and heading out of the dojo with a big grin on my face. I've never been more excited to go to a diner.

A couple hours later, I begin to pick out my outfit. I want something subtle, but of course nice. I try not to overthink it, knowing that Robby really wouldn't care. I finally settle on an 'AC/DC' shirt, with highwaisted black pants, and a leather jacket. For my shoes, I just wear black converse.

After getting ready, I head out to my car and go over to the Larusso's. I admire their house and all of its beauty. I really love that place. I walk up to the front door and knock on it. Sam answers.

"Hey, (Y/N)." She smiles. "You here for Robby?" I nod. "He's out back in the little guest house." There's a pause. "Where are you two going tonight?"

"The diner. I'm probably just gonna stuff my face. Do you wanna come with us?" I ask, obviously wanting to be alone with Robby, but knowing it isn't really a date, so I feel like I should ask.

"No, no. I have to study for a math test tomorrow... we really miss you in our class." She shrugs a bit.

"I promise I'll be back soon, I just don't feel comfortable yet with all the Cobra Kai kids being in a good amount of my classes." Sam nods. After we talk a bit more, I head back to meet up with Robby. He looks nice. He kinda went for a the same vibe I did, 80s.

"You look nice." He says, smiling a bit.

"Well so do you." Is all I say back. He puts his arm out for me to link onto. We link arms and head back to my car. By the time we got to the car, the sun is almost completely down. The radio is fairly quiet and we talked a bit about Miyagi-Do and the Larusso's.

"Do you miss Cobra Kai?" Robby asks.

"If I missed them, I'm sure I'd be in school... I'm honestly kinda terrified of them at the moment. I don't think they know I'm in Miyagi-Do." I tell him, taking a right and then a left.

"They don't know yet?" Robby says, raising his eyebrow a bit.

"Well my friend Aisha knows, but I told her not to tell anyone else." I mumble, pulling into the parking lot of the diner. I find a nice parking space. I stop the car and Robby puts his hand on my knee.

"It'll be okay." He says. I nod in agreement and the two of us get out of the car. We walk inside, laughing and smiling and get a table. A lovely waitress comes and brings us menus and the two of us begin looking.

"I kinda want breakfast for dinner." I giggle and Robby shrugs.

"I mean, you're at a diner." He smiles at me. My eyes scan the menu, but I quickly get distracted by the sound of the diner doors opening and kids laughing. My eyes widen once I get a glance at them. Hawk and his gang. Why do they have to be here, right now?

"Son of a bitch." I mumble and attempt to cover myself with my menu.

"What's wrong?" Robby says, looking at me. I shush him, but sadly it's too late.

"Is that who I think it is?" Hawk exclaims and comes marching over to our table, I hang my head, already tired of this conversation. Robby looks up at the kids. "(Y/N)!"

"Hey, Hawk. What do you want?" I mumble.

"Nothing. Just wondering where you've been and why you're hanging out with the kid from Miyagi-Do... Sensei's son?" Hawk raises an eyebrow. Robby looks at me and then Hawk.

"Why don't you just go away?" Robby sternly states.

"Or what?" Hawk questions.

"Or I'm gonna kick your ass." Robby says standing up in front if Hawk. "So why don't you just leave?"

"I just wanna catch up with my good friend here." Hawk says, getting closer to Robby.

"You mean the one you beat up? What a good friend you are!" Suddenly Hawk swings to punch Robby, but Robby ducks and punches Hawk in the gut. The two other kids with Hawk try to get Robby, but he knocks one out with a punch and kick to the head, and he knocks the breath out of the other.

Hawk gets back up, punching Robby in the face, but Robby kicks Hawk in the face back, causing Hawk to fall again. I sit, concerned and not knowing what exactly to do. Robby runs over to me and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the booth and we begin running to the car.

I start up the car, the two of us panting and we drive off. The car ride is mostly silent, we just don't talk.

"Hey, why don't you stop here at this park?" He asks. I nod, still not talking, and stop the car. Robby hops out and tells me to come along. He sits on the hood of my car and pats on the space next to him, visually telling me to come and sit with him. I join him and smile.

"Is your face okay? Hawk hit you pretty hard." I tell him, putting my hand on his cheek, checking it out just as he did to me a few weeks ago. As I stare at his cheek, making sure he's alright, Robby stares at me. I can tell his eyes are on me. He lifts his hand up and touches my face, turning my head so our faces are almost touching. His breath is heavy, and his eyes are sparkling in the moonlight.

Then he kisses me. The hair on my arms stand up in shock. I close my eyes and enjoy every moment of it. He leans back, the tips of his fingers are still on my face.

"I'm fine." There's a light pause. "That's all I needed to know that I love you." He tells me. I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Beating people up showed you that?" I mumble and laugh a bit.

"I don't know... it just kinda clicked." He smiles at me again, with his little side smile.  I kiss him again and like that, I've never felt happier.
I hope you enjoyed part 2!!

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