▪︎ Eli - Just A Bully Pt. 2 ▪︎

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Thank you for requesting that I make this have multiple parts! I was thinking about how I was gonna do this and I finally hatched an idea. (I'm sorry to all Demetri stans, he's kinda a meanie in this.)
I walk down the hallway on my way to the library. Eli and I decided to do our Honors English project together. I've only known him for a couple of weeks, but ever since I saved him from those bullies, we've really bonded.

My dad was also super proud of me for listening to his instruction and putting my karate to good use. He started teaching karate to my neighbor Miguel and I.

I make my way down the hall chatting a bit with Miguel. Him and I have training later so I have to be there on time.

"Eli and I just need to get a head start on this, okay?" I tell Miguel.

"You have a crush on him, don't you?" Miguel says, nudging me.

"I- What? No!" I shout out a bit to quickly. Miguel laughs hysterically and I grumble.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him. Anyways, I'll see you later." Miguel smiles, patting me on the back and running out of the school. I turn and make my way to the library. I've found that I love the school library. It's big and like a maze. You could get lost in there.

I walk in the library and wave to the librarian. I begin to look for Eli. I honestly have no idea where he is. I begin walking through the isles, admiring the books. Suddenly I hear two familiar voices... it sounds like Eli and Demetri.

I listen from the other side of the book shelf. I know eavesdropping isn't great, but what can I say? I'm human.

"Listen, I'm not saying she's bad. I just think you're spending too much time with her." Demetri says.

"It's hard for me to make new friends, you should be happy I made another. Plus she saved me from those assholes." Eli exclaims. Are they talking about me? Why are they arguing about me?

"Wake up Eli! She's insane!" Demetri shouts.

"She's courageous and sweet!" Eli says back, trying to shush him.

"I'm just saying. She beat up a group of kids using some crazy moves from what I've heard, and then totally left them there." Demetri sighs. "Not to mention, she's very violent."

"Have you heard anything about her father!? He seems way worse." Eli mumbles.

"That's no excuse! She makes me uncomfortable. Why aren't you seeing this!?" There's a pause. "I'm scared that if we say sometime wrong we're gonna get attacked. She's crazy." Demetri grumbles.

"I mean, she's intimidating yeah... and kinda violent... but I- I don't know." Eli says. I can feel myself tearing up.

"Am I the only one seeing this? Is it just me? She's probably using us." Demetri exclaims.

"I mean..." There's a pause. I'm terrified about what Eli will say next. "I guess I can see where you're coming from." I wipe away a tear and begin to leave. I'm not looking where I'm going and trip though.

Eli and Demetri hear me and look over. Eli's eyes widen when I look up at him. I look down quickly and get up. He tries calling for me, but I ignore him and run off.

I make my way down the street, speed walking. My sadness turns into anger. I'm really like my dad, aren't I? I start walking faster and walk into my dad's dojo. I walk over to one of the dummies.

"Who's there!?" I hear my dad yell from his office.

"It's just me dad." I try to say acting normal.

"Okay, I'll be out later!" He says. I sigh and start punching the dummy.

"I maybe violent, but I'm not using them." I mumble and punch the dummy harder. "I thought for once in my life I made good friends." I punch the dummy in the face this time. "I left the bullies there because they're bullies. Shouldn't Demetri be happy they leave him alone?" I say kicking the dummy now. "Am I really that bad?"

The door opens. I turn around and see Eli. I sigh and roll my eyes. I hope he didn't see all of that, or he really would see that I'm extremely violent.

"What do you want?" I mutter.

"I didn't know you were listening... I swear I didn't mean it! I just... I didn't want Demetri to get mad." Eli stutters.

"You shouldn't care about what he thinks!" I exclaim. "Eli, you're opinions don't have to be the same! And what is Demetri gonna do, beat you up?"

"I just don't wanna lose a friend." Eli tries to explain.

"But if he gets mad at you for sharing your opinion, then obviously he wasn't a good friend. He never let's you talk and he treats you terribly." You begin to get a bit quieter.

"You're just saying that..." Eli mutters, not wanting to believe me.

"Eli, I know I sound like I'm lying and I sound crazy." I sigh. "But I'm not lying. I've witnessed it first hand. I'm sure I could ask Miguel and he could say the same thing."

"It's just-" He stops what he's saying. I can see him tearing up.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't want to be harsh... You just deserve so much more than you give yourself credit for. I really like you Eli and I've loved hanging out with you. You're a great person, I just think you need to stand up for yourself." I tell him, walking closer to him.

Without saying a word, Eli hugs me. He squeezes me so tightly. I slowly hug him back and smile.

"I love you, Eli. You're a great person." He nuzzles into my shoulder. He looks up at me, and I wipe away his tears just like I did when he got beat up.

"H-How do I join karate?" Eli suddenly asks me. How's this gonna go?
I'm sad because I'm gonna have to change it from 'Eli' to 'Hawk.' I swear I'll make another Eli story though! (I'm already in the process of making an imagine for him.)

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