▪︎ Robby - Forbidden Pt. 2 ▪︎

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I'm finally making a part 2! This part is kinda gonna get into your relationship with Robby, and part 3 will get even crazier.
"Thank you!" I exclaim and give Robby puppy dog eyes as he hands me an ice cream bar he ever so kindly bought me at an ice cream truck a little ways down. I take a bit and smile. "What did you get?" Robby reveals a push pop.

"I'll give you a bite of this, if I can try your ice cream..." Robby smiles. I take a moment to think about it, trying to make it more suspenseful for Robby. He patiently waits as always though.

"It's a deal." I grin and let him take a bite of my ice cream. He then let's me try a bite of his push pop. "Oh wow! That's really good." I shout with my mouth still full of the push pop. Robby chuckles and smiles at you.

It had been about a month since I met Robby. We hung out a lot, but sometimes it was hard to find days when we were open. We were both always busy, but never really told each what he had going on. We never felt a need to. We usually made friday afternoons our time to hang out.

Today Robby and I decided to go for a walk in the park. The two of us try to finish up our cold, sweet treats as fast as possible, but our mouths get numb the faster we eat. After a good couple of minutes of us struggling to quickly eat out ice cream, we finish. Robby gets off of the park bench we're on and puts his hand out for me to grab.

I grab his hand tightly and he yanks me up onto my feet. The two of us laugh and throw away any remaining trash we have from our ice cream. Robby doesn't let go of ny hand and drags me along a path.

"Where in the world are we going?" I ask, with a laugh.

"Do you actually not know this place?" Robby says, raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes.

"I- No... Am I supposed to know?" I ask, confused. Robby grins.

"No, that's perfect! I get to be the first person to show you." There's a pause as he continues to drag me. "This is a hiking trail behind this park." Robby inhales the fresh air. "I love it around here."

"Well I'm happy I get to witness it with you." I smile as we begin our journey on this trail by walking over a bridge. "Wow." I say, pulling myself off of Robby and walking over to the side of the bridge. I peer down into the water. "That's beautiful..."

"You think this is pretty?" He laughs and looks away from the water and into my eyes. "Wait until we get to the next bridge." I nod and Robby links himself to my arm. We walk down the path, past humongous trees, fast yet adorable animals, plants galore. It's absolutely breathtaking. "I used to come here all the time to think."

"I can understand why..." I mumble, looking around in awe.

"This is just such a great place to clear your mind and figure things out." Robby smirks a bit and looks over at me. "Come on, let's go to the other bridge! I think you'll really like it."

Robby takes my hand again and begins to pull me further along the path. Suddenly, I spot another bridge up ahead. I stare at it, wondering what Robby's so excited to show me. He drags me a bit closer until I finally see it. There's a waterfall. I stare at it, grinning immensely.

"Robby, this is amazing..." I mumble.

"Come on, let's get closer!" Robby exclaims. Robby takes me to the end of the bridge and leads down a little hill. The hill takes us closer to the water and gives us a better view of the waterfall. He sits down. I plop down right next to him.

"This is so beautiful." I tell Robby, turning my head towards him.

"I know. I knew you'd like it." He smiles and tilts his head a bit. The two of us stare at each other, the sound of rushing water is in the back. It's relaxing and truly magical.

We smile at each other, and the next thing I know, we're leaning closer to one another. It's not one trying to kiss the other, it's us, both leaning in to kiss. Our lips meet and I balance myself up with my hand. The kiss is very long and full of passion. After about 45 seconds of this, we lean back away from each other and smile.

Then we sit and enjoy the waterfall.
I'm honestly so excited to write part 3! You better be ready!

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