▪︎ Johnny - Prefer ▪︎

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Okay, I randomly got this idea a few days ago and I'm finally deciding to write it. I hope you enjoy, sorry if it's not the best.
I flop down onto my bed, eyes full of tears. I just totally embarrassed myself in front of the person I have a crush on, Johnny Lawrence. One of the popular girls found and told a lot of kids at school. Johnny's girlfriend, Ali, found out and so did Johnny.

As soon as people started talking about my secret and ruining my social life, I made up an excuse to get out of school.

As I cry into my pillow I replay the whole incident in my head. I turned to Ali, who looks confused and sort of concerned. I look to the popular kids laughing and making fun of me. I look over at Johnny, who looks shocked, blown away, and confused.

I've never seen a look like this on Johnny's face. It was hard to explain. His eyes sort of widened and he began to shake a bit. His body tensed up, as Ali clung to him, squeezing his arm. After I saw his face, I instantly turned away and ran off. I have no idea what happened after I left.

Luckily, my parents hadn't been home yet. They were out at work by the time I got home. It started raining as well so I wasn't only covered in my own tears, but the rain from outside. I didn't have the energy to change out of my wet clothes, so I just flopped onto my bed as a hot mess.

I had always had a slight crush on Johnny, but I was lucky enough that no one ever knew. How did they even find out? Who started the rumor? What was Johnny thinking? Him and I had slightly known each other from math and English class. He wasn't the brightest, so I always had to help him. Sometimes I would personally tutor him and he would come over to my house. Not too many popular kids knew about how we hung out. I never really liked Johnny's friends, and they never really liked me, so we just didn't bring it up to them. Although everyone always thought he seemed like an asshole, he was sweet and he had a good side.

I sniffle and dig my face further into my pillow. I hear the rain fall from outside. I'm scared to even go to school or talk to the other students. I squeeze my pillow with all the force I have and squeeze my eyes shut tighter, forcing out another tear.

My body trembles and my hands begin to sting because of how hard I'm squeezing my now very wet pillow. I'm sopping wet and freezing, but that's the least of my worries.

While I let out another loud sob, I hear the doorbell ring. I wait a moment, thinking maybe it's just some random person or maybe my parents hoping I'd unlock the door for them. I wait for another moment before I hear it another ring at the door. I weekly pull myself up out of bed and slump down a bit, moping to the front door.

I don't want to answer it. I don't know who's going to be out there. For all I know it's Ali coming to get mad at me or some other terrible student who just wants to be a bitch. Someone rings the doorbell once again as soon as my hand hits the door knob. I unlock our chain lock with my open hand and then slightly turn the doorknob.

I feel my nerves spike up and my heart began to race faster as I open the door slowly. As the door widens the rain gets louder, and I suddenly reveal a very nervous and upset Johnny Lawrence.

As soon as I get a glimpse of his face, I can instantly tell my face has turned red. He's covered in rain and I'm instantly confused on why he's here. Why would he be the one to mess with me? He's the one I have a crush on, that means he gets made fun of too.

"I- Wh-What-" Is all I can spit out, before Johnny quiets me down. He steps forward a bit and I feel my mouth instantly go dry.

"I broke up with Ali." He mumbles, only loud enough for me to hear. I feel my heart drop as he finishes his sentence. He dumped Ali? He continues to get closer, towering over me because of our height difference. I look up at him, our eyes locked in each other's gaze.

"Why would you do that?" I mutter, only loud enough for him to hear. The rain begins to pour down harder. His eyes widen a bit and he takes a deep breath. He seems nervous.

"Because I didn't love her. I thought I did, but that was only because I was trying to hide the fact that I love you. I was an idiot for hiding my feelings and I don't care about what my friends think." He spits out. Before I can say a word, he instantly pulls me into a kiss. I'm guessing it's because he's nervous about what I'm going to say, or he's going to think he's being too soft. I don't care though, I embraced the kiss.

I throw my arms up and wrap them around his neck, pulling him as close as I can to me. His hands make their way to my waist. We're both sopping wet and very cold, but it doesn't matter. I've been waiting for this, and I've apparently been led to believe that Johnny has been too.

Johnny pulls away from the kiss, both of us still holding each other. He looks down at me, a bit nervous. I looked back up at him, speechless and honestly wondering why he likes me back.

"I love you too." I mumble. Johnny cracks a tiny smirk. It's his signature side smirk. I can tell he's happy and that all of this wasn't a lie. He's happy to actually hear the words come out of my mouth and not some preppy teenager. He squeezes my waist a bit tighter in excitement. I feel a smile grow upon my face as I pull Johnny in for another kiss.
I hope this all sounds okay. I know that Johnny breaking up with Ali would probably be a much bigger and more confusing storyline, but this will have to do for now!

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