▪︎ Robby - Forbidden Pt. 3 ▪︎

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I plan on doing a season 3 Robby imagine soon. I just thought I should continue with this fjrst!

Also about season 3 Robby, what do you think of him? I like him, but he's so toxic now-

(Edit - Can you tell I wrote this forever ago)
Hawk puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into line in front of him and behind Miguel. We're about to compete in the All Valley Tournament. All of us have worked so hard to do this and we're all so excited.

"You ready?" Hawk raises an eyebrow and grins.

"I've never been more ready. Cobra Kai's gonna kick ass!" I shout. Sensei Lawrence walks by as I jump up and down squealing.

"You bet were gonna kick ass!" He pauses. "In all seriousness, I'm so proud of you losers. You've all progressed and learned a lot. I think you're going to kill the competition." Sensei Lawrence says, walking closer to all of us. He puts his hand on my shoulder. I smile and quickly hug him.

Sensei Lawrence has been like a father figure to me. He's helped me through a lot these past couple of months. He hugs me back lightly, but he quickly pushes me back into line.

"Okay. Don't get sappy. You haven't even won yet." Sensei Lawrence states, staring down at me. I nod profusely.

"Yes, Sensei!" I shout. Hawk and Miguel proceed to talk to me while we wait to go out. I begin to get a bit nervous, but try to think of things to call me down. My friends, karate, Robby...

I've been thinking about Robby all day. I wish I invited him to come see the tournament. I wish he could be there for me if I won or lost. Hawk snaps me back into reality by pushing me forward, showing me that we're heading out.

We all begin sprinting out chanting, 'Cobra Kai.' The crowd roars with cheers. They clap and whistle. My heart pounds as we enter and line up. I didn't realize it was going to be so busy.

"Oh God." I mumble once we all quiet down. Hawk nudges me.

"You scared?" He chuckles.

"I mean, there are a lot of people. If we screw up we'll look like idiots." I mutter, raising my eyebrows and widening my eyes.

"Cobra Kai's gonna win. You have nothing to worry about." He shrugs. I nod and quietly thank him. Hawk and I have been close for a while. He's like a brother to me.

"And finally, fighting without a team and on his own..." There's a pause. "Robby Keene!" I dart my head to the side and my eyes widen. I spot Robby running out. Aisha and Miguel look over at me, remembering him from the fast food restaurant.

"Isn't that...?" Miguel mumbles.

"Yeah..." I say, my eyes still on him. Robby's eyes wander around looking at the different students. He scans through Cobra Kai, but quickly spots me and stops. He makes a face, confused and a tad bit concerned.

I wave slightly and he waves back. He then smiles at me and smile back the best I can. I don't know how I feel about this. I didn't know we were on opposing teams. I zone out as the announcer talks about the rules and how the rankings work. I already know all of this stuff.

I take a deep breath until I suddenly hear my name being called. Sensei Lawrence walks behind me and pushes me forward a bit. I'm up against some random kid I've never seen in my life.

"Kick his ass." Sensei Lawrence mumbles. I nod and walk forward. I get into fighting position. I see Robby out of the corner of my eye, watching me intensely. I take a deep breath, nervous and hoping I'll do well. If I'm being honest, I want to impress Robby. I can show Robby something new about me, impress him.

"Fight!" The referee shouts. I do a back hand spring as my opponent walks forward to kick me. I used to take gymnastics which comes in handy for karate. I stand back on my feet and punch the boy in the face twice with a simple jab-cross. He gets knocked back and I quickly kick him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him and causing him to fall down.

"Sorry." I mumble as the boy wipes a little blood off of his face. "I win though." I smile, helping the kid up. I look over at Robby who is shocked. His eyes are widened and I can't help but laugh.

Throughout most of the tournament, Robby and I make it through our rounds fine. I look over at Hawk, who I have to fight next.
My heart pounds, I can never beat Hawk. He's too speedy for me. I sigh as the two of us bow and get into fighting position.

"Fight!" I do a front hand spring, kicking Hawk in the face throughout the process. He gets thrown back, but he quickly then throws a punch once I'm back on my feet. I don't have time to block it, so I get punched in my right cheek. I get pushed to the side, but make my way back in front of Hawk. I kick him in the stomach. Hawk gets pushed back a bit and I walk forward to punch him in the nose, but he does a round house kick and kicks me right in the head. He goes in for another punch, but I'm fast enough to grab his hand and twist him over on the ground. He pushes himself back up. I begin to panic, so without thought I punch Hawk harshly in the stomach, but as I hit him, he sweeps his leg and knocks me down onto the ground.

Hawk steps on me, hurting my stomach a bit. He looks down at me and winks, then he helps me up.

"I'll beat you one day." I grumble, but I still can't help but laugh.

"You were close." He grins. I turn my head to Robby, who's glaring at Hawk. He seems pissed that Hawk won and not me. I'm nervous that something bad's going to happen.
Okay, I've decided to make the All-Valley two parts. The next part will have more Robby content, so no worries!

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