▪︎ Moon - Afterwards ▪︎

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This is a continuation of my mini Imagines series that takes place after the big fight in season 2.

I love Moon so much, so I hope you enjoy!
I lunge back as Hawk goes into punch me. After he's done with Demetri, he's come to target me for some reason. I get back up, flipping my hair back out of my face as quickly as possible. I go in for a hook, but Hawk blocks me. I don't fully understand why he's doing this. We're on the same team.

I kick Hawk in the stomach harshly. He gets shoved back a bit from the amount of force I used. Hawk glares at me and yells, suddenly charging at me. I begin to move out of the way, but Hawk puts his arm out and sweeps me back up into his grip. He charges me into a locker.

The locker makes a loud noise as I get hit into it. I push Hawk off of me and punch him in the face without hesitation. His mouth begins to bleed.

"What the hell are you doing, Hawk?" I shout. "We're on the same team!" I shout as I prop myself up on the locker. Hawk walks closer to me.

"You know why?" He grumbles, going in for a punch. I duck and then have to pull myself back up against the lockers.

Suddenly an idea pops in my head. Is he fighting me over Moon? I groan.

"Are you really still pissed about that-?" I ask, not actually addressing the situation because I'm nice and don't want to embarrass Hawk. Hawk just smiles and tries to kick me in the stomach. I grab his leg and push him back.

Without hesitation, Hawk goes running for me again. I can barely move still, and what he's doing, isn't safe for me to punch or kick him, it could injure my hands and legs. I panic and the first thing I do is cover my head, but Hawk suddenly stops. I don't know why, so I look up a bit. Moon is standing next to us.

"M-Moon?" Hawk mutters. His eyes widen, he seem scared.

"Hawk!? What the hell are you doing? You two are on the same team!?" She shouts. "Look at what you're doing. You've literally slammed (Y/N) into these lockers. You could severely injure her." Hawk looks over at me.

"I-" Hawk spits out, but is quickly cut off.

"You have no right to do this! You're adding onto the chaos. Something bad is gonna happen!" She exclaims. "I broke up with you for being an asshole, and you haven't redeemed yourself or proven me wrong at all."

Hawk begins to say something again, but stops himself. I think he realizes that Moon doesn't want him. He hangs his head in shame and walks away. Moon quickly comes to my aid and helps lift me up a bit more.

"Come on, let's go." She mumbles only loud enough for me to hear, putting my arm around her shoulder to help me walk. She leads me into the girls bathroom and props me up against one of the sinks. I can hear people outside of the bathroom cheering and yelling. The fights continue among others. "Are you okay?"

"Oh... yeah... I think I might be a little bruised, but I don't think anything's broken." I explain. Moon grabs a good amount of paper towels and dampens them with water. She walk back over to me and begins wiping up my bloody face.

I stare at her as she wipes my face. I'm so lucky to have her. She's always there to protect me and always there to help me at the worst times.

"Thank you." I mumble.

"For what?" She simply says.

"For saving me back there. If you weren't there, Hawk would have hurt me really bad. I would have been pretty injured, but you were there to stop him and even shut him up for once." I grin a bit. Moon grabs onto my hand, intertwining our fingers. She smiles back at me.

"I'm your girlfriend. I'm here to help you and protect you and make sure you're okay. I love you." She explains to me, throwing the now bloody paper towels in the trash. She squeezes my hand a bit tighter. "I think we should stay in here until the fight dies down." I nod in agreement. She smiles and walks over to me, suddenly pressing her lips against mine.
We all know Moon would do this for the person she loves. No one can convince me otherwise. She's just such a sweetie-

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