▪︎ Moon- Speak Up ▪︎

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Yes, I'm writing more Moon content! I really enjoyed writing the last Imagine with her.
I fall to the ground as Yasmine pushes me down on the floor. I sign grumble, but only slightly so Yasmine doesn't hear. I try to zone out on her yelling at me, I'm not in the mood today. I've heard all the insults, mostly from her. She's the one that spreads the rumors about me, gives me my nicknames, and she's the one that never leaves me alone.

I've never understood why she's bothered me so much and why she hates me. I flinch when she steps closer to me, and I scrunch myself up along the bathroom wall. She doesn't always get overly violent, but she will push and kick at times. She laughs at me.

"Like getting in the corner will help you!" She exclaims. I finally hit my limit.

"What do you want from me? What did I ever do to you?" I shout out, hoping she just gives up or maybe realizes I'm not that bad, but that seems highly unrealistic.

"You're a fat loser! Why not tell everyone that, it's only the truth." She says. It's not really the best of comebacks, but at least I know she just ruins my life for fun!

"I'm a fat loser? Well guess what you're a bitch!" I shout out, pushing myself back onto my feet and getting into her face. Without even a second of thought, Yasmine gets pissed and pushes me into the wall very harshly. I hit my head and back. It stings. My head begins to throb.

"Yasmine! What the hell!?" Someone shouts from the entrance of the bathroom. I massage my temples and then look up. Yasmine turns her whole body around. "What are you doing?"

"Just getting back at this loser." Yasmine shrugs.

"By beating her up?" The girl exclaims.

"She called me a bitch." Yasmine cries out, flailing her arms around and whining.

"Well I've heard you call her much worse, and even if, you shouldn't get physical like that. It's not okay." The girl tries to explain.

"Ugh! Whatever." Yasmine shouts, walking past the girl and out of the bathroom. I continue to massage my temple. I sit there, waiting for the other girl to leave, but she doesn't. She instead gets closer to me, and then kneels down next to me, checking my head and making sure I'm okay. Who is this girl?

"I'm sorry..." She says.

"For what? That wasn't your fault." I mumble. The girl puts her hand over my temple.

"I've let Yasmine act that way to you, to everyone. I've agreed about everything she's said about people, good and bad... I should have stopped her way before right now." The girl begins ranting, I quickly stop her.

"It gets the best of everyone. Reputation at school is very important and everyone can get peer pressured sometimes." I tell the girl trying to calm her down. She nods in agreement.

"By the way, I'm Moon." She grins at me and I slightly smile back.

"I, uh, I'm (Y/N)." I say awkwardly. I try getting up a bit, but my back hurts a lot.

"Are you okay?" Moon asks me.

"Yeah, Yasmine kinda pushed me into the wall really hard." I sigh, knowing I'm gonna be in a lot of pain tomorrow. How am I supposed to explain this to my parents? I've never told them about all of this bullying.

"Let me help you up and take you to the nurses office... you should probably lay down." Moon says, panicked. I look up at the clock, it's study hall. We only have 50 more minutes of school. "I can stay there with you until it's time to leave... keep you company, but only if you want."

I think about it. I don't want to keep Moon waiting, but I know she really wants to help and feels bad. Would it be so bad having her wait for me? She seems nice, I could get to know her. I decide I'm gonna let her stay with me.

"Uh, yeah... actually that would be really nice." I smile and so Moon. She helps me up off of the dirty bathroom floor. I put my arm around her shoulder, and she gently puts her arm around my back for support. We head to the nurses office and when the nurse asks what happened we just say I slipped.

For the 45 minutes we have study hall, Moon stayed with me. We talked and got to know each other. We talked about our favorite things, hobbies, and other dumb stuff you ask to get to know a person. I really enjoyed her company. I wouldn't mind hanging out with her more often.
Do you guys like my moon imagines? I really like writing Imagines for her. She's just so sweet and I love her.

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