▪︎ Demetri - Broken ▪︎

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OKAY- So, I wrote this all the way back when I watched season 3 last year... I forgot I had it, so I thought I'd share this!

A new season 4 imagine will be posted tomorrow (it has to do with Hawk/Eli...)
A Cobra Kai student holds me back as Hawk holds Demetri down. Demetri begins panicking, saying as much as he can to stop Hawk.

"Eli! Please! It's me! It's Demetri! I swear, I'll leave! We'll all go!" He shouts out. I try to kick myself off of the kid holding me back.

"Finish him!" The Cobra Kai kids begin to chant. They root Hawk on as he stands silently not knowing what to do. "Don't be a loser! Scaredy-cat." They taunt, pressuring him more to hurt Demetri.

"Stop! Don't do it Eli! Please!" I scream from the side, still kicking. I hear Demetri continue to cry out for help. I look over at Chris, who's being beaten up by a bunch of different kids. Where is Sam? We need her!

I kick the kid holding me back in the knee with my right leg and in the shin with my left. He yells and drops me. I catch myself with my hands and left leg. I use my other leg to sweep the kid onto the ground. I stand up and begin sprinting over to Hawk and Demetri.

Hawk notices me heading for him and looks at me panicked, but in an instant, he snaps Demetri's arm. Demetri screams loudly and I feel my heart sink down into my chest. I don't stop running though. I run to Demetri's side. He's freaking out and can't calm down.

The Cobra Kai kids laugh and pat Hawk on the back, praising him for what he did. I stand up and turn to face Hawk. His face still looks a bit petrified, but he tries to act tough and as if he doesn't care.

"What's wrong doll-face?" He asks. I slap him across the face with all the force I have.

"Shut your mouth you asshole. You have no right to call me doll-face, just like how you have no right to call Sam princess... You're insane. There's something wrong with you in the head. You just broke Demetri's arm, and although you're pissed at him and don't consider him a friend, he's still always been there for you. He really cares about you, and I can tell, deep down, you miss him." I shout out.

"Come on, let's go." Tory says, walking closer to Hawk.

"I'm not done!" I scream to Tory. I've totally lost control at this point. I'm pissed. I look over and see Chris. "And for God's sake, let Chris go! I don't think we're going to fight anymore, seeing that you've literally broken our friends arm." The kids messing with Chris let him go. "Chris, call an ambulance." I turn back to Hawk. "When you were bullied and treated like a monster, who was there for you...? Demetri. When you were called a freak or shit-lip, who spoke out to make you feel better...? Demetri. Not these assholes. Now you're too scared to be called weak and a scaredy-cat to the point that you would hurt someone so badly even though he's always been there to help you and make you feel normal. He cares about you and you've totally stabbed him in the back. You're an even bigger freak then you were before. Have fun living with that guilt."

Hawk stands there in shock. He looks at me, nervous.

"Do something before the ambulance comes!" Someone in the crowd of Cobra Kai kids shouts out. Hawk looks at me. I smile.

"Do it before they call you a loser, Eli. Do it before you feel powerless. Go ahead, punch me, maybe even break my arm." He frowns and goes in for a punch. I grab his arm and twist it. I suddenly kick him in the stomach. Before he can go into punch me again, Tory pulls him back.

"We need to go before the ambulance comes and we get in trouble." Tory says, leading the group out.

"Run away like you always have." Is the last thing I shout out to Hawk. I bend down next to Demetri again, tears roll down his cheek. "It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get you to the hospital." I rub his back lightly and help him off the ground the best I can.

"Thank you." Is the best thing he can spit out in between his sobs. I can hear the pain in his voice.

"It's no problem. He needed to hear the truth." I mumble. I watch as Chris goes off to find Sam. I begin to hear ambulance sirens. I look at Demetri. "The ambulance is going to take you to the hospital, but we're all going to meet up with you, okay?"

Demetri nods. I look down at his broken arm. It looks gruesome. He leans his head down onto my shoulder. You can tell he barely has any energy. The paramedics come bolting in. In an instant, they take Demetri away from me.

I watch him get taken away. My nerves are still high and I'm still shaking, but I try my best to hold it together. Chris drives himself, Sam, and I to the hospital as quickly as possible and the three of us wait in silence for the doctor to come and see us.

I can't believe this has happened to poor Demetri. This past year has had so many ups and downs for him, but mainly downs. He doesn't deserve this... Sam and I hold hands in fear. After an hour of waiting, the doctor comes out.

"Your friend was very seriously injured. How did this happen?" The doctor asks.

"A couple of kids beat us up and one broke his arm." I mumble. The doctors nods.

"I'm so sorry." He pauses. "Your friend will be okay, but he'll need to be in a cast for a while and it might take a little while to actually heal..." My heart pounds. "Do you want to go see him?" I nod as quickly as possible and stand up.

"Why don't you go visit him first..." Sam mumbles. "My mom will be here soon anyways." I nod as the doctor leads me into a hospital room. Demetri's sitting on the edge of a hospital table, staring at his cast. The doctor lightly pushes me in and shuts the door behind me. Demetri looks up at me.

"Hey..." He mutters. I walk up to him and sit next to him on the edge of the table. I lean my head on his shoulder. "Thank you for what you did earlier. I- Uh- It was really brave.

"Well I learned a lot from that speech you made at Moon's party..." I giggle. Demetri smiles as I lift up my head and look at him.

"I'm glad I could help." He chuckles a bit. I stare at him, our eyes locked on one another.

"You know, after all that's happened tonight, I realized something I've been thinking about a lot." He nods a bit, waiting for me to continue to talk. "You're really important to me Demetri and I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't love you." His eyes widen and I feel my heart pounding in my chest. "You're the most important thing to me in the entire universe. I'd do anything for you because I care so much about you."

Demetri stares for a moment in awe. He doesn't know what to say. Without too much thought, I lean in and kiss Demetri. Today's been an interesting night for Demetri. He's had his first kiss and his first broken arm.

I lean into the kiss and put my hand on the back of his neck. Demetri puts his good hand, that's not in a cast, on my hip. The kiss we share is very long and passionate. After a few moments, we back away from each other.

"I think I'm feeling a bit better now..." He mutters. I laugh a bit at his comment and he nods slightly. "I- Uh- Love you too... I've just never worked up the nerves to tell you." I feel my arms form goosebumps as a smile appears on my face. In the blink of an eye, I pull Demetri in for another kiss.
Anyways, I literally wrote that a year ago-

▪︎ Cobra Kai Imagines ▪︎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora