14. Keya

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Few moments passed, Tyler went back to my room after he’s done answering a phone call. I’m still hovering some boxes to arrange into my new room. Thank God, our classes are still suspended so I have the time to stay up all night and take care of my things.

“Hey, I have to attend on something. Will you be fine?” He asked.

I only nodded. Kinda disappointed. He told me few minutes ago that he wants to leave all the heavy works for him but he’s going out instead.

Stupid! I shouldn’t feel like this. He is not my boyfriend nor husband so shut the hell up self!

“What time will you be home?” I asked and just with that his face wrinkles made me realized that I crossed the fucking line.

Why so stupid Keya?

“Oh I'm sorry!” I immediately supplied. “I forgot, it’s none of my business.”

“Yeah it is.” He agrees and left my room again.

I sighed when I heard a couple of doors opening and closing.

“You’re here for one thing Keya!” I said sighing as I started to go work again. “You’re only here for the baby!”

I remind myself.


I think Tyler didn’t come home last night, or maybe he has but maybe I am already gone to bed like just around nine. I was so exhausted from moving in so I passed out on the bed earlier than usual and woke up kind of late today.

I throw myself out of bed and surveyed my whole room, it is still full of boxes that I decided to remain unmoved just because I’m just temporarily staying here anyway. Once I give birth and maybe after Tyler and I discuss the terms of our situation then for sure I have to move out. However, as of now the room is coming together and that I should relax and stay here for free while I still can.

Even just a tiny thing, I have to be thankful. At least I don’t have to spend any money for rent right? But it doesn't mean I'll rely too much, I'd surely start looking for a place of my own soon as my bank account isn't that tight anymore.

I heard my stomach growl and I suddenly felt like that was the baby’s voice telling me that he’s already hungry—or maybe she. What? I suddenly smiled as I left the room because I started to feel excited about my baby’s gender. I know, I’m still way too far from that but I guess this kind of excitement is totally part once you became a mother yourself.

Wow! I just realized, this was the first time that I felt so excited about my pregnancy.

When I went outside of my room, I’m not going to lie that the corridors and several doors I passed got me confused and anxious as to where I can find the doorway leading to the kitchen. I don’t have any groceries with me and I’m already way too hungry to go the nearest restaurant or supermarket to grab some food.

Tyler won’t surely get angry with me if I ask for some food coming from his fridge, right?

It took me five minutes finding out which door until I found the way leading to the kitchen. The house seems so silent and shouldn’t surprise since Tyler is the only person who lives here and his dog according to him.

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now