34. Keya

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[Author's note:]

Majority of you don't follow me :) so I'm doing a quick a/n to ask you my gorgey hun reader to please do follow me for more updates, news and announcements.

Sorry for the long wait tho, but here it is! Enjoy!


I was supposed to come along with Amanda at the charity dinner, but then after the quick encounter with Tyler in the hallway earlier made me want to hide and refuse to go out not even just to grab some dinner on the near restaurant. Instead, I stayed in my room and ordered room service.
Amanda was insisting a while ago but I specifically told her that if she’ll force me to go with her tonight I will surely pack my bags and head home.

I sighed as I settle down on the bed devouring an ice cream I ordered a while ago and opened my laptop to call my family. I miss my son so bad, to be honest if I could just fly back to Edinburgh right now, I will. Seeing Tyler earlier freaked me out.

I thought I’m already alright, I thought I’m all ready to face him but I was wrong… He still scares me.

And I’m completely anxious about what will happen once he meet Sky. When we saw each other on the hallway he immediately asked about our son, and I’m afraid that he’ll take him away from me.

Tyler is selfish, he only cares about himself! Goodness… for sure he’ll surely take away my son from me and I will never ever going to let that happen!

Finally, my mom picked up the call and my son’s ever cute face fill the whole screen. My heart feels warm and all the stress and anxiety I felt brushed away. Sky is completely my everything…

“Mommy!!!!!!!” He shrieks.

“Hello squishy!!!” I shrieked back holding the screen, how I wish I am holding him physically right now. “Oh I miss you so much honey!”

“I miss you too mommy. I can’t wait to go there and visit you!”

I tried my real hard not to cry as I stare at my son’s face. “Soon my love!”

“Oh darling, Sky has been keeping track on how many days left until his birthday.” My mother inserted. “He’s always been demanding me to mark the calendars to be honest. Your son is quite smart, if I'm honest.”

I sighed in complete frustration and guilt that I left my son. “Now I wanted to just fly back in there.”

“Oh come on! You have always wanted to earn your degree, do a little sacrifice.” My mom said. “In a few months after, you’re going to spend the rest of your days with your son anyway.”

I giggled. “How are you Sky? Are you being a good boy to your grandma?”

My son nodded, and my mom glared her eyes which sends me to laugh. Having a toddler is really not easy, especially at Sky’s age where he already knows how to walk and loves to move around it is really quite exhausting.

“By the way, how’s your job?” My mom asks as she demands my son to go play, just for us to be alone.

“Good.” I said adjusting on my seat. I don’t want to tell her what happened earlier because I know I will only hear another rant from her about letting Tyler know about our son. “It’s not that hard, hence the fact that I’m just here in my hotel room eating ice cream.”

“Glad that you said yes to Amanda.”

“I can’t say no to her.” I replied, well, it is the  guilt that actually made me say yes to her plea.

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now