52. Keya

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The sunlight coming from my apartment's window hits my eyes causing me to wake up. I yawned loudly as I stretch my whole body, obviously, I slept in.

As I glance at the clock on the bedside table it is already eight in the morning, I'm already alone in bed. But I hear Tyler and Sky's voice outside, based on what I am hearing Tyler is probably cooking.

However, instead of getting out of bed I decided to just lay in there for long. I'm still sleepy and kind of tired from finishing all my paper works last night. Thank god its still the weekend so I am allowed to be lazy today. I grab my phone on the night stand and check it right as I continually lay down in bed.

There are some texts coming from my students, and one in particular got my attention. It's from Thomas!

   Thomas: hey its Thomas! Got ur number from Jessy. :) just wondering if ur free 2morow?

  Thomas: i know its totally random. But we never really talked that much in campus. Let's catch up?

I smiled, just imagining Thomas' cute voice as I read the message. It's Sunday, technically I am free today but then again I am already a mother so I am not free since weekends is strictly for Sky. Aside from that, Tyler is here and I don't know when he'll leave. It'll be awkward if I leave my son and Tyler to go out with Thomas or even just asking Tyler to leave so that Sky, Thomas and I will bond...

I sigh again because I immediately felt an instant guilt inside me. In the past few weeks, Tyler have been such a great father to Sky. He also seems to be very caring to me, and I wasn't stupid enough not to notice the way he acted when he saw me and Thomas few days ago at the university just plainly talking.

I'm confused...

I admit, Thomas still has a space in my heart and I have pictured a life with him together. But then I already have a son, and Tyler himself have been really good at his job that everytime I see my son and him I also couldn't help but become the happiest woman alive. However, Tyler and I aren't a thing anyway so it'll be okay for sure if I go out with Thomas... right?

I stared at Thomas message again and finally decided to reply.

   Me: i'm not free 2day tho...

   Thomas: its fine. i'll wait until u're sched is free.

  Me: sure thing. :)

  Thomas: or maybe just have a random lunch 2gether at campus if our free time sched coincides.

  Me: that's better tho.

After sending my last message, I throw my phone again and stretched while yawning. I am still pretty tired!
But then I keep on hearing Sky and Tyler laughing outside so I am tempted to finally get out of bed and see what the hell those two are doing.

I tidied up the bed and when I went out, I saw Tyler carrying Sky as he busy himself cooking.

The both of them didn't noticed me so I was able to appreciate and enjoy the view. But then I am distracted with Tyler's body, he doesn't have a tshirt on but only an apron so his back is flashed. I couldn't help but stare.

Damn! Did he slept next to me half-naked? Does those arms with tattoo sleeves wrapped around my body last night? Or am I resting on the arms and shoulders the whole time?

Shit. Snap out of it Keya!

I reminded myself because I am already salivating over my son's father, jezz! I don't even know if its criminal to salivate on him or not. I cleared my throat just to distract my own self and ignored the sensation I am feeling inside.

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