20. Keya

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"I'm seriously very excited with this study of yours Keya." Professor Larsson commented as she finalizes my paper. For the first time in a while she looks way too enthusiastic on it, despite of the fact that I did think that my paper was bullshit, but her reactions begs to differ.

"You better set a schedule now for your defense, right away. Your paper for proposal is ready." She added.

"Yeah, about that." I started. "I'm thinking about visiting the school and observe first, maybe mingle with some faculty members right before asking if I can conduct the study in there."

"That's a great idea." Professor Larsson agrees. "You know, I can help you with that. The school principal is a good friend of mine. Actually, we can pay a visit today. Like right now! If you're free of course."

"Really ma'am? I actually don't have a class anymore. Can we actually visit now?"

"Of course!"

Few moments passed and Professor Larsson and I arrived at the St. Philip's School and Community Center. I decided to chose this school for my study since I used to volunteer here before during my freshmen year, teaching kids and encouraging kids with disabilities to love reading during summer.

I stopped volunteering here when I started working multiple jobs before, but now I wanted to go back just to see how things have been and to help kids by entertaining them with literature.

Professor Larsson and I head straight to the faculty office to introduce me to her friend. A lady on her fifty's welcomed my professor with a hug when we entered the office.

"Shiela! It is so good to see you again, it's been a while." The lady said.

"I know. It's been a while. Anyway, this is my student, Keya Grayston. She's on her Master's degree, and the reason why were here is to ask you personally if she can conduct her study here. I guarantee you that her study will benefit the school, that's for sure."

"Mrs. Helena Cavanaugh." She introduced herself offering her hands, which I took right away and shook it.

I smiled nodding at her. "I'll send you the proposal papers ma'am, if you want to."

"Oh don't bother." She replied in a very cool and elegant way. "I trust your professor, she's been helping the school and the community for so long now and recruiting her student to contribute here is such a huge pleasure."

She said smiling. "Actually, we're opening the new reading hall facility in like thirty minutes. Why don't you come with us and witness the program."

"Sure, why not." Professor Larsson agreed.

"Might as well, while we're here." I agreed.

On the way to the said venue where the program is at, the two lovely ladies started chatting around and I couldn't help but appreciate the fact that they chose to include me on the said conversation.

"So, I'm guessing Ms. Grayston here is one of your best student Shiela. Otherwise, you are not here."

My professor chuckles. "Since when did I haven't got the best students as an advisees?"

"Fair enough." Mrs. Cavanaugh agreed and beamed at me. "How many months darling?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Your tummy."

"Oh!" I said realizing what she meant chuckling. "Roughly four months, ma'am."

"Don't stress way too much on school, alright? Prioritize your baby. It's hard to suffer on miscarriage." She advised which made me reach for the nearest wall and tap on their using my knuckles.

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