47. Tyler

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On my son's actual birthday is our game five of the series against Detroit, thankfully its a home game so Sky and the rest of Keya's family together with my mom were able to watch it.

I really wanted Sky to have a huge birthday party but the kid doesn't want it and he just prefers to watch me play. Keya was right, he is way too different to any other kids his age. He is way too mature to think, and very charming if I must say! I remembered how I used to be like that when I was a kid too, I love smiling to strangers who greets me on the street. It's funny!

I searched the whole crowd for them during the warm-ups, I spotted them seating at the front benches. Sky is holding the plexiglass as he waves at me, I came close to him to say hi.

"Hey buddy!" I greeted.

"Say your good luck to daddy, go on!" Keya said using her sweet voice and I couldn't help but feel amazing.

I never thought that this day would come, that I will have my own son watch me play and wishes me luck. I used to envy some of my teammates and completely asking to myself how does it feel like, and now, I am finally on their shoes and I couldn't be even more happier than this.

"Good luck daddy Tyler!" Sky shouted just in time for the horns to blast signaling that warm-ups are over and that the game is about to start any time soon.

I stick for long as per usual waiting for other players to leave the ice. It's my ritual to be the last person on the ice, there are also other players who has the same ritual as me and it is really hard to get rid of them and sometimes I have to play rock, papers and scissors with them. Thankfully right now, I have my little family as a reason to stick for long and to let them get out of the ice first right before we reach the warm-up time limit.

"Love your jersey!" I said to Sky. The organization was kind enough to customize a jersey right away for Sky to wear at tonight's game having my number ninety-one and the word daddy printed on it.

Tonight's game is very crucial for the Stars since if we lose the series, we will be eliminated at this year's playoffs. Maybe if my life didn't turned out to be like this at the moment, I'll be very stressed out since my focus is only on the game and on winning. But then I already have my son and Keya back to distract me and to remind me to not get distracted or stressed out on the game way too much.

When I noticed that I am finally the only player on the ice. I finally waved at Sky and right before I go, Keya stood up to carry Sky and waved at me too.

"Good luck!" She said to me smiling.

I stupidly winked at her nodding.

"Should I score for mommy?" I asked Sky.

"Yes!" Sky said in complete enthusiasm and Keya rolled her eyes smiling.

"Alright. I will!" I said and skated my way back to the locker rooms to finally prepare for the actual game.


The last two period was intense and my team finds it really hard to fucking score! The defense zones of Detroit is really tight we can't even score. Currently Detroit is leading with a 3-1 score and we're five minutes until the end of regulation. Part of me is already starting to accept our defeat.

Five minutes in the life of a hockey player is still enough time to score and have the chance to tie it down, especially on my team because we definitely know how to find ways just to win. However, right now we are farther than scoring one more.

Klingberg is currently holding the puck skating his way down to the defensive zone. He tries to do a saucer pass down to Jamie but the other team got the chance to steal it.

I chased it trying hard enough to steal it myself, I skated alongside the other team's captain who's holding the puck at the moment. I swinged my stick to steal the puck and I was successful in doing so and one of our young teammates Robertson snatched the puck himself. But then the consequences of what I did caused me to get smashed up on the boards as two of the opposing team players pushed me real hard.

My vision got blurry as I try to stand up, it was a buzzer beater score courtesy of Robertson making the score 3-2, still it was a huge dismay not just to us but also with the audience. We still lose the game and didn't make it to the next round of the playoffs.

Right after the very disappointing game, I did a quick media post-game interview right before changing to my normal clothe. After doing so, I meet my family at the hallway.

My mom came to me first hugging me as she says her sympathy about our lose.

I smiled. "It's fine. We still have next season."

Keya together with her family then approached me doing the same thing as what my mom did. It still kind of makes me feel a bit hesitant and weirded out that Keya's sister and mom were really kind to me after what I did to Keya. But then again, I am grateful that despite of it all they accept me and doesn't really hate me. Or maybe they do, they just set it aside to deal with it in a very respective manner I guess.

Later on, Keya finally came to me holding Sky on her hands who is fast asleep. I immediately took Sky from her slowly letting him sleep on my shoulder, my son is already big and I don't want to see Keya carrying him all the time.

"How are you?" She asks instead of saying her sympathy about the lose.

"Never been better." I replied. "Are you guys ready to go home?"

"What about you?" Keya asks.

"I'm already good to go." I replied.

"Daddy?" Sky sounded all of a sudden, I probably have woken him up. "Did we won?"

"Aww." My mom sounded. I laugh and kissed my son's forehead.

"I'm sorry buddy, but no we didn't." I replied real slow. I expected him to feel dismayed but my son didn't, same as Keya he asked me how I was which melted my heart.

"I saw you hit the glass earlier." My son said with the most Scottish accent he ever have.

"It was fine baby." I answered. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulder and hug me real tight and decided to continue on resting his head on my shoulder once more.

"He got pretty tired, I guess." Keya commented tugging Sky's mini hockey jersey.

"We should go." My mom suggested. "It's getting late."

Everyone of us agreed and we all head to the parking lot, I bid goodbye to my other teammates I crossed at the hallway sending them positive vibes despite the lose.

As we all head to the parking lot, my son called Keya all of a sudden.


"You're still up?" Keya who is following me asks a bit surprised. "Yes squishy?"

"Can we stay with daddy?"

"Yo-you what?" She repeated.

"I want to sleep next to you and Daddy." Sky said. "He got hurt."

Keya looked at me completely embarrassed but I don't seriously mind it, I even want it.

"Oh no, honey we can't. Daddy needs to rest." Keya said but I disagreed otherwise.

"It's fine Keya. You guys can go stay for the night at my place. I even insist." I said.

Keya is still hesitant.

"I'll drive Norma and Kelsey back to the apartment." My mom offered.

"But--" Keya says but gets cut by her mom and sister.

"You go Keya, Sky wants to be with his father." Keya's mom said.

"Mom's right. And you know Sky, he can't sleep without you." Kelsey seconded smiling sheepishly.

I heard Keya sigh and finally agreed. I secretly thank God that everybody is agreeing with it. Not that I want to take advantage or anything, I just want to fall asleep and wake up next to my son for the very first time!

I want to finally experience the real fatherhood and family life this time!

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now