23. Keya

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My thesis proposal defence went pretty well! Who would have thought the panel likes the stream of different bullshits my paper contains?

My friends Jessy and Lily went inside the speech room where my defence was held right after the panel and my thesis adviser left the room. They all shrieked in excitement as the both of them hugged and congratulated me.

"Oh my god! We should celebrate." Jessy suggested. "Both of you and Lily are finally done with your proposals, we should go out to eat. Like, right now!"

"Great idea! I am starving." I agreed.

The three of us went downtown to eat at one of the fancy restaurants in there, I am not so fund of this but I need a break! And I totally deserve it.

After knowing that I am having a son, seeing Tyler's smile for the first time because of it. And him, taking care of me and all the good things he did in the past few days made me so giddy and excited about life these past few days.

As the three of us settles down on our table, my two friends couldn't help but giggle as the both of them stares on me. I know those looks! We've been friends for so long now that whenever they look at me like that, they have something in their minds.

"Gals, what is it? Spill the tea." I said as I roll my eyes sipping on the water the waiter just served.

"It's been a while hun since we saw you look like this happy, anything to share?" Jessy finally addressed.

"Well," I started then sighed. "I already found out the baby's gender."

"What?" The both of them said in complete unison.

"Why didn't you tell us that you're going for an ultrasound? We could have just went with you." Lily said.

"I was supposed to tell you girls, but Tyler caught me off-guard." I reasoned out. "I just accidentally referred to the baby 'he' one night and he just immediately scheduled an ultrasound. I couldn't say no."

"What's his reaction then?" Lily said in completed curiousness.

I sighed as I couldn't help but smile, my friends are now shrieking they have probably created an answer on their minds.

"He's really happy, as far as I know." I said still wearing those smiles. I'm not going to kiss and tell, I'm going to keep all the details to myself.

Besides, at the end of the day Tyler and I have no any relationship at all. Even if I am living under his roof, there's still nothing going on between us except from the fact that we're having a baby.

"So, I'm guessing he has already plans once you give birth?" Jessy asked.

I only sighed, because even if I would say that yes Tyler has been very nice to me this past few days we haven't actually talked about the baby and what's going to be the situation.

"I don't know, we haven't talked about it really." I replied. "He's been way too busy with his games and his not around all the time."

"Well, pro-hockey guy problems." Lily commented rolling her eyes. "But I'm saying you're looking way better now."

I smiled at my friends secretly hoping at the back of my mind that it stays that well.

After we ate lunch, the three of us decided to make a quick stop at one of the stores near the restaurant. The girls and I saw a huge poster in there announcing that they are currently on a twenty percent sale on the way to eat.

Lily and Jessy immediately went to where the bags are and I on the otherhand decided to check out some maternity dresses. Well, I haven't bought any maternity clothes and I'm already sick on wearing baggy shirts and some of my clothes that are too small for me already.

Few moments passed, I saw Lily rushed into me and grabbed me to the other corner of the store heading me to a huge television inside. Majority of the people on the store are watching, mostly are man.

"What's going on?" I asked Lily immediately because I am so confused.

She then whispered to me with a very worried face. "It's Tyler."

I am now intrigued to find out what's really going on. As I watch a certain footage on the screen, I see Tyler and some random guy fighting and I couldn't even grasp even a single clue about it.

I quietly stood there as I watch the whole footage. I'm completely confused and even curious about what's going on, but I can't just react here or even do something because people might suspect about my connection with Tyler or maybe they'll look at me weird thinking that I am a weirdass fan girl or something.

However, this whole situation is bugging me because it's my baby-daddy!

"I don't understand." I calmly asked Lily. "When was this?"

"Accordingly, it happened like two hours ago." Lily answered. "As far as I know Tyler and the VP of the Switzerland Bulldogs have been fighting for too long now. Maybe because Switzerland and Canada are huge rivals in the international world hockey game where Seguin used to participate."

"How do you know so much about this?" Jessy asked.

"My boyfriend kinda talks about it all the time! He's a fan."

"Do you think that they've been fighting not because of the game anymore but because of a girl?" A man who is not too far from us said which caught my attention.

"Guess that's because of the scandal that Tyler's fiancé cheated on him with the Bulldog's VP right?" The older man answered.

Oh shit! Jamie told me about that cheating incident.

"Is he going to be alright?" Lily asked.

"For sure not." I commented.

When I got back from lunch and while waiting for my afternoon class schedule I decided to call Jamie. I won't be able to calm down without me knowing the whole story about what happened.

Luckily Jamie picked it up right away.

"Hey, Jamie. Am I disturbing you?"

"No. I just got back from the locker room. What is it?" Jamie answered.

"How's Tyler? What happened?" I immediately asked.

"You heard about that?"

"It's on the news."

"Well, Tyler was kind of triggered on something the VP said when they saw each other on the hallway at the arena. Tyler was then in raged and was--" Jamie started but was kind of hesitant to continue.

"Come on say it. I don't mind, I just have to know."

I heard him sigh. "Well, Tyler told the VP that his fiancé have been sleeping with him a couple of times now and are planning to pick up the pieces with him."

I heard my heart smash into pieces after hearing that from Jamie, I thought he's not sleeping with someone else anymore because of me. Fuck! Why do I feel like I am special in Tyler's life?

"The fiancé got involved at the fight and completely denied everything. She's even filing a libel case against Tyler now." Jamie supplied further.

"Oh my god." I commented completely feeling awful for Tyler. "Is he still playing tonight?"

"Absolutely not. According to the staff, they have already suspended Tyler for the rest of the season because of his current legal case. Elise was kind of serious about filing it." Jamie answered.

I was just silent the whole time processing everything and most especially, overthinking!

I may have not known Tyler that much but I know how ruthless he is when his definitely not feeling emotionally well. And based on this particular news I'm hearing about him currently I don't think he is in a good place right now. Jezz! I might need some help once I get home later.

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now