37. Keya

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The encounter I had with Tyler's mom still do bugs me, like among all the hundreds of people in the arena earlier today she chose to talk to me! My guilt is totally up in the roof. I definitely know that from now on I won't be having a good night sleep already.

I sighed, just in time Amanda excused herself to go to the powder room right before we took off.

We just finished our early dinner and as I checked the time on my watch it is still seven in the evening. I only have about half an hour left right before I travel back to my place. While waiting for her I decided to order a cab services to come pick me up later in the hotel when I get back from here.

The door of the restaurant opens up and my head involuntarily swivels toward it, then immediately swivels back. I hunch over, hoping my hair will shield my face from view of the newcomers.

It's Seguin and few other people.

Bloody hell!

Maybe he won’t notice me. Maybe I can just sneak out before he does and pretend that I haven't seen him. I was thinking about going to the restroom to go look for Amanda as an alternative but then again I don’t want to draw any attention to myself, so I don’t get up or do anything.

Seguin, Jamie and their other buddies walks towards their table, and every gaze in the restaurant hangs on their every move. Probably because they are  larger than life, and not just because they are all tall, strapping hockey players. It’s the confidence on how they walk and the easy smiles they give on people.

I know I should not feel something weird and keep on staring, but I can’t look away. Despite of how angry I am with Tyler, it feels like you're a criminal if you won't appreciate how attractive he is.

I’m only looking at the back of his head anyway as he rests on the chair far enough from me facing the other way around, it’s a very sexy back of the head.

It’s so easy to pick him out as an athlete. The long limbs and toned muscles beneath his pants and white T-shirt underneath his suit create a drool-worthy package that my fingers itch to unwrap.

Snap out of it!

Lusting over this guy is way too close to liking him, and I’m not ready to open that door anymore. Not anymore, I don't! He is a MONSTER, and his good looking face will never ever going to cover his natural devil horns!

But common sense comes too late, because Tyler is now moving away from the table and marching in my direction.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

I'm totally panicking inside, the level of anxiety is so high. However, try as I might I took a deep breath and called the inner bitch in me to come to life and save me into this conversation. I still busied myself looking on the phone pretending that I haven't seen him walking towards me.

He stopped just right in front of me and I heard him clearing his throat which I then decided to look up.

"Hi." He slowly said.


"I..." He started kind of a bit hesitant as he puts his hands on his pocket looking way too nervous based on his body movements. "I'm so sorry to bother you."

I just raised my brows because I certainly don't want to speak any single word. Without any doubt he grabbed the empty chair next to me and chose to sit down.

"I just want to talk, even just for five minutes." He said.

"Talk about what?" I answered crossing my arms and rest my back on the chair looking at him.

"We both lost our son, I was not treating you right before Keya. And right now I want to make it up to you, I want make things straight and I want us to be friends just so--"

"What's the point?" I respond. "You already said it, we lost our son. And that therefore we already have nothing else to do with each other. We are strangers Tyler, in case you forgot."

"We most certainly are not." He disagreed. "

"No, we do." I rebutted. "I'm good now Mr. Seguin, I'm finally trying to get my life back. And in due respect, I hope that you won't spoil it."

I released a loud sigh. "If you want forgiveness then you will have it in due time, but if you want us to be friends or what I have no answer on that matter yet."


He nodded. "I don't blame you. But I really did tried to change things up. But if in case you need anyone, I'll always be here."

I only nodded just for the sake of agreeing just so he can leave.

After he said those words, he then walked away. I rolled my eyes. Really? Wow. The audacity of him saying those words! If he thinks that he'll trick me or some shit, well I am sorry to burst his bubbles but it surely won't happen.

"Saw that." Amanda said when she came back and sat on her seat few moments later. "What did you guys talk about?"

"He wants us to be friends." I said without any hesitation.

"And what did you say?"

"No, obviously." I replied and sip the rest of my glass of water.

I only heard Amanda's sigh. She knows it is still hard for me to forgive and forget. "But did you guys at least talk about your set up with your son?"

I only shake my head. I haven't told anyone in my group of friends and my family about the huge lie I did. Probably because I have already pictured out and predicted the kind of reaction they will all have if I spill the tea.

"He didn't bothered about it?"

"He didn't. Which is good." I only answered.

Amanda shakes her head again looking at the table where Tyler is at. "Can't believe he doesn't have any interest on Sky, so disappointing!"

"It shouldn't be that disappointing for you, you know the way he treated me before when I was still pregnant."

She looks back at me shaking her head then shrugged.

"Well, it's his lose."


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