Chapter 33

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He hadn’t seen or heard from Katelyn since the day she and Trace were arrested a few years prior, so why now? Why today of all days?

He took a deep breath and did the only thing he could to find the answers.



He was a little taken aback. Her voice wasn’t snobby and bitter as he was accustomed to. It was nervous, vulnerable, and even sweet. Just like when they first met.

He stayed quiet, waiting for her to speak again. After all, she called him. It wasn’t his job to carry on the conversation.

“I uh…how have you been?” she asked softly.

“I’ve been great,” Jordan replied.

“I’m glad to hear it…I’m sorry to bother you—“Katelyn trailed off and sniffled a little, then continued. “I’m sorry for a lot of things.”

“Stop,” he bit his lip and clutched the phone tightly. He didn’t want to hear it. Not now. Not ever.

“Please just let me say what I need to say and then I’ll be gone forever. I promise,” she pleaded.

He sighed. Despite the fact that she’d tossed him to the side and practically ruined him, the Katelyn that he knew before all of that, the kind one that he’d grown to love, would always have a special place in his heart, and now here she was. Finally back after all this time, catching him off guard as she had always loved to do.

“Make it quick.”

“Ok,” she said enthusiastically, though he could practically hear her shaking through the phone. “It’s all over the internet…you and Christofer…and not just fangirls babbling about it…but pictures too that your guests put up…you look so handsome, Jordan. It made me realize what I threw away, and it made me remember how badly I’d wanted to be Mrs. Witzigreuter.”

“What about Trace?”

“We broke up. Turns out he was cheating on me the whole time…ironic, huh?” she attempted to laugh, but it came out as more of a quivering gasp.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” the singer rose to his feet and put his free hand in his pocket. “And I’m sorry it took you so long to figure out what you did. And I’m especially sorry that you have to go through what I went through, because it sucks, and it hurts to the point that I’d never wish that type of pain on anyone. Not even you.”

A full minute went by without any noise from either end.


“Yeah?” she managed weakly.

“Thank you for apologizing. I needed to hear it, and I forgive you for what you did. But if you’re truly sorry you’ll keep your promise and you’ll disappear because frankly, I have no room for you in my life.”


He knew that wasn’t what she wanted to hear. It was obvious that she figured he would forgive her for everything and then ask to stay friends, giving her the opportunity to try and take him away from Christofer…and maybe if it was three years ago that would be the case. But it wasn’t. He was a stronger and smarter person than before, and there was no reason he’d jeopardize any of his happiness at her expense.

“Yes. I’m going to hang up the phone now. I wish you the best, Katelyn.”

She began to say something, but he couldn’t make it out as he swiftly hit the end call button. Just as he did, a pair of familiar arms wrapped themselves around his waist from behind.

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