Chapter 5

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WARNING: There is a brief intimate moment. If this makes you uncomfortable, message me and I will summarize the chapter for you.


Christofer strutted into Jordan’s hotel room, smoking a cigarette, while the latter shuffled tiredly behind. They had left Rhythm Fest early after the signing, and Chris deemed that a good time to inform Jordan he was going to stay with him that night. Something about not reserving the hotel for enough time, though Jordan had a suspicion this had been planned out. Because of this, they had to go grab Christofer’s stuff (which of course wasn’t packed yet), then he insisted on getting food so they didn’t get to the hotel until late.

The two hadn’t said much after they left the festival, both of them were hopelessly lost in the millions of thoughts now flooding their heads. Some good and some bad. They were both relieved that their fans had been so accepting, and they hoped it would turn into a reoccurring trend with their others. After all, only a very tiny portion knew so far, but by tomorrow, everyone would find out. Already their twitters were being bombarded with questions, words of encouragement, and unfortunately every once in a while, a few hate messages.  It was amazing what one kiss can cause. They weren’t even official yet.

Well, neither of them knew if there was going to be a “yet”. Jordan was confused beyond all belief mentally, though emotionally he knew exactly what he wanted which made it worse. After all, he was still broken from being left by the woman he loved and yet he was ok with being with someone new. Someone who was a boy. Someone who was his best friend.

Christofer, on the other hand, was ready for anything. Today had been the happiest day of his life and he truly saw a romantic future with Jordan. He just didn’t know if the feeling was mutual, and he was afraid to push for anything further for fear that he’d do something wrong or take it too fast and lose everything.

He took a long drag from his cigarette and smiled a little as Jordan fell face forward onto the queen sized bed which also conveniently happened to be the only bed in the room. He put his cancer stick out and flicked it into the garbage can then plopped down next to his exhausted friend.

 “So…where do I sleep?” he asked a bit awkwardly. He didn’t want to seem like he was pressuring Jordan into sharing a bed, but at the same time, that was the preferred option.

 Jordan was sprawled out on the bed with one leg hanging off the end, and his face buried in the pillow. Without bothering to change his position, he merely lifted his arm, and pointed to the spot next to him then let it fall back down limply.

“Alright, sweet,” Chris replied, trying to hide his excitement. At this moment he realized he was just as tired as the other, who seemed to be already passed out. He decided it’d be too much work to change into pajamas, so instead he just tugged off his shirt, and fell on the bed next to Jordan in a similar fashion. He was asleep instantly.

 The next morning, Jordan awoke once again to the horrible hotel alarm clock. He shut it off violently, and then, as he did every day, rolled over to wrap his arms around her. But instead, they found their way around him.

Both of their eyes snapped open the moment Jordan made contact with the lanky boy. He didn’t mean to do it; it was just a habit he couldn’t get rid of. They lay still, neither one of themknowing what to do.

 Jordan finally spoke up. “I’m sorry…It’s…yeah…” he trailed off and began to move away from the other boy, but before he could, Christofer grabbed his hands and yanked them forward so he was in his embrace once again.

 “Don’t stop.” He said in a hushed voice. Again, they didn’t move until Christofer flipped over so he was facing Jordan.

 They stared into each other’s eyes, and Jordan tightened his grip to hold him as close as possible, just like he used to hold her.

 Jordan analyzed Christofer’s lips. They were so plump and flawlessly shaped, not to mention the two lip rings that adorned the left corner of his mouth which glimmered in the light and seemed to be begging him for a kiss. They were so close to his own and he was debating on whether or not he could actually muster up the courage to obey the call of the piercings. Luckily, Chris had nerves of steel and helped him out.

This kiss was different than the ones before. There was more fire in it, and they knew it was going to lead to much more than a simple act of affection. Already it had become a bit violent as their tongues explored each other’s mouths, both of them trying to figure out what the other liked. Jordan had already discovered that Christofer liked having his lip bitten, and he used this to his advantage. Every time his teeth would close around the soft skin, the other responded by breathing heavily, or even emitting a hushed moan.

After a few minutes of this, Christofer worked his way down to Jordan’s neck and took his turn at figuring out what got him going. It didn’t take long to find out. As he licked, nibbled, and sucked at his neck, Jordan gasped and scratched his nails down Chris’s bare back. He decided it was time to switch positions so he pushed Jordan flat on his back, straddled him, and went back to what he was doing before.

Jordan blushed a little, knowing the other could probably feel his hardness, and his reddening face didn’t go unnoticed.

 “Too far?” Christofer asked with a look of concern.

 “Oh, no, I’m just a little…self-conscious. I haven’t been intimate with many people and you’re so much more experienced than me…”

 Chris cocked his head to the side in confusion, and Jordan sighed then weakly pointed towards his crotch.

 It took him a minute to figure out what he meant, and then he laughed. “Jordan. You’re adorable,” He replied and linked fingers with him. “There’s no need to feel self-conscious around me. I promise you, no matter what I’m not going anywhere.”

  “It’s just—“Christofer interrupted him by placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

  “Shut up. I’m all yours…well, if you’ll take me that is.”

  “What?” He watched his best friend roll his eyes and place his hands on his chest, then take a deep breath to prepare for what he was about to ask.

 “Jordan Witzigreuter, would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?”

A/N: Ok so I know I said I wouldn't update til I got 5 comments or 3 library adds but I gave in...this entire story is pre-written so it's up to you guys on how slow or fast you want updates :D

BUT! Thank you so much to those that have voted/commented/added my story! I appreciate it :) I love the feedback, keep it up!

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