Chapter 3

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                Jordan had managed to snap out of…whatever the hell he was in, and spent the next hour sitting on some unused speakers catching up with Christofer. They shared stories of crazed fans, ideas for new music, and just random stuff about their lives in general. The topic of Jordan’s newly changed relationship status, however, was avoided.

                They were interrupted by Jordan’s band mate, Keegan.

                “Hey are you ready to set up? We go on in 15 minutes.”

                The two simultaneously checked their phones to see that it was already 2:15. Time had really flown by.

                “Yeah. Where’s our stuff?”

Keegan motioned towards the pile of equipment off to the side labeled “TRS” and Jordan nodded as he stood. “Alright, thanks, man!”

                “Need some help?” Christofer offered. The other boy nodded and smiled.

                “Yeah that’d be great!” with that Jordan grew silent as the two began setting his equipment up. Chris knew better than to talk to him. He always did this before a show as a sort of meditation. Normally he would be sitting in a corner doing his inhale/exhale exercises, but due to the fact they were crunched for time, he had to do them while walking around and moving heavy things, which was quite a feat.

                When they finished, they had only two minutes to spare. Jordan messed around with his hair a bit and rolled his shoulders back to loosen up. Chris always thought it was cute the way that he still got a bit nervous before he performed, and he couldn’t help but giggle a little as he watched him do his pre-show rituals.

                Yes cute. He thought it was cute. In fact, he thought everything about him was cute.

                Christofer had already admitted to himself, and accepted the fact he was gay from the moment he met Jordan. After all, based off of the explosion of butterflies he got throughout his whole body just by getting a text from him, it would be ridiculous to try and deny it (though he had never told anyone and didn’t plan on it.).

                Now, he did still hookup with girls because after all he had needs, and he still found women attractive. The reason he considered himself gay and not bi, however, was because though he found women attractive, he was never attracted to them. Their mere purpose was for a little sexual relief and that was it. Though, he had never really been into other guys either and he had never hooked up with one, but seeing as Jordan was the one he wanted and he was a boy, that made him gay. Or it made him Jor-sexual. He didn’t really care either way. Bottom line was, he was just happy to be in love.

                It didn’t even pain him either to know that he would never be loved back due to the fact that he didn’t have to keep his feelings in. Every time he would call him “baby” or tell him he loved him, or even give him a smack on the ass he was completely serious, and Jordan was ok with it, and even did it back. The only difference was that he just thought they were kidding. But Christofer didn’t care. After all, something was better than nothing.

                The introduction to “Young Forever” began playing and that was Jordan’s cue to run on stage.

                “Break a leg, babe!” Christofer said after winking at the other boy who returned it with a smile. He then sat down where he stood, Indian-style, and glued his eyes onto the one he loved.

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