Chapter 2

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Jordan walked quickly through the crowd with his eyes glued to a map of the massive venue. The set up was exactly like Warped Tour with rows of merch tents strategically placed around various sized stages.  There were big signs as well, announcing the times and locations of performances as well as the meet and greets.

                “Cannon stage, cannon stage...where is cannon stage…” he mumbled to himself.

He didn’t have to look for very long, however, for he knew he was in the right place when he heard the strum of a ukulele followed by screaming fangirls. He jogged towards the bodyguard blocking the path to get behind the stage and flashed his V.I.P pass. He squeezed past the large man and found a spot off to the side to sit and observe.

It was always amusing to watch Christofer perform because he was such an egotistical ham. He loved screwing around with the audience. Not in a mean way, but more so just to be goofy. He’d seek out girls in the crowd with cameras and flash them peace signs or shy smiles, he’d make eye contact with someone random and wink, or he’d acknowledge the crazy things that the girls would yell to him in between songs. Jordan had lost track of how many people Christofer had agreed to marry.

The first song ended and went straight into the next. It was a cover of “I Want to Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles. Chris had managed to switch to his acoustic guitar during the two second break and was happily strumming away while he jumped around and rocked back and forth to the beat of the music. Jordan couldn’t help but smile as his best friend made a fool out of himself.

It went on like this for the next two songs. After the last song, he took a bow while announcing in a cutesy voice that he wanted to take the whole audience home with him because they were so great. He then invited everyone to hang out with him in his tent at 3:45 so he could give them hugs. It was a typical Christofer speech, with a typical reaction of girls squealing. He added in a few last minute peace signs and then skipped off stage.

Jordan waited quietly on the other end with a smug grin on his face, getting ready to taunt the other singer for taking so long to notice him. He folded his arms and began tapping his toe impatiently to add on to the “what took you so long” effect. Christofer, however, noticed him the minute he was off the stage and a wide smile stretched over his face.

“Hey, baby!” he squeaked and began walking towards his friend.

Jordan opened his mouth to respond but all of the sudden…it went dry. It was as if his brain had just shut down. He couldn’t remember the proper sounds to make the words he wanted to say, or how to make his feet move, or even his own name. The only thing he could process was how beautiful Christofer’s eyes were. It wasn’t as if this was the first time the pair had ever made eye contact, they did it all the time. Especially on tour when they’d act flirty with each other to freak everyone out. But for some reason this time was different. This time they captivated Jordan in a way that scared him and though he tried everything in his power to look away, he just couldn’t.


Jordan snapped back to reality as Christofer poked his chest.

“Hm?” he managed to break eye contact and focus instead on remembering how to talk.

“Where the fuck is my hug, young man,” He asked with a mock seriousness. The singer stretched his arms out to either side of him and simply stood, staring, with absolutely no intentions of moving until his demands were met.

“Oh right!” he moved forward but Chris dramatically pushed him away.

“No it’s ok I understand! You have bigger and better things to do than hug your dear old best friend, Christofer…I’ll survive…I think…” he pretended to sniffle and hung his head. Jordan rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around him. As the taller boy returned the hug, Jordan’s heart rate skyrocketed. He felt so safe in the embrace, and at that moment, he’d do just about anything so stay there forever. It was just so…right. Though in his head, he knew this was wrong. Very wrong. He pulled away abruptly and shoved his hands into his pockets.

“You ok?” Christofer cocked his head to the side and stared at him curiously.

“Yeah I’m alright. I’m just kind of out of it…I haven’t been getting much sleep lately…”

“Oh because of—“

“Yeah.” Jordan cut him off bitterly. Chris frowned and immediately hugged him again.

“I’m here for ya, man, alright? I know what it’s like.”

Jordan nodded solemnly and gently pushed Christofer off of him, though, it took every fiber in his being to do it. His thoughts raced angrily around in his head.

“I just missed him. Nothing more. He’s my best friend and I missed him. I’m happy to see him. Nothing more. Nothing more. Nothing more.” He repeated to himself mentally. God, he wished he wasn’t such a bad liar.

Ok SO! A few things. First off: BEAR WITH ME!! NEXT CHAPTER IS WHEN STUFF GETS GOOD!!!!! Second of all: I'm not gonna post the next chapter until I get some more comments/likes/reads/library adds or whatever because I don't wanna keep working on a story that nobody is reading...finally! Watch the video I posted on the's Chris performing The Beatles's cover that I mentioned and it's just so adorable. Ok that's all! See ya next chapter!!

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