Chapter 19

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WARNING: There is an intimate moment between the boys. If you're uncomfortable, let me know and I'll summarize! 

I wanted to get this out yesterday because a little birdie told me that it was the lovely Ms. Paige's birthday! (xPaigexLovesxYouux <-- Check her out!) She's probably one of my story's biggest supporters! So thank you, and happy birthday!

Jordan slammed Christofer down on the bed with a roughness neither of them knew he possessed. Chris immediately felt his already skintight pants grow tighter to the point of much discomfort. Jordan, on the other hand, hadn’t gotten dressed for the day and was fortunate enough to not have to suffer through the pain of an erection in girl jeans. Instead, he had developed a good sized tent in his boxers that his boyfriend admired from the corner of his eye.

Hands began wandering and Christofer found himself matching Jordan with nothing but a pair of boxers on and the evidence of his excitement to go with it. Their kisses became more violent and they were both beginning to acquire a good number of scratch marks on their backs and arms. Soon, Jordan grew bored of just scratching and kissing. He rolled over all fours and suspended his body above Christofer’s. Jordan dipped his hips down gracefully to make contact with Chris’s. He went back to his original position, waited a beat, and then repeated the movement but harder this time.

Christofer bit his lip and arched his back. Though he never really cared to admit it, he loved dry humping. There was just something about the teasing aspect of it that drove him crazy and with Jordan; the effect was multiplied by one hundred. He kept going, grinding faster and harder, never breaking eye contact.

“Jordan…oh shit I need you right now,” he breathed and nipped at his neck. Jordan grinned, gave a few final thrusts, and then began sloppily kissing his way down his torso. 

Chris froze. He wanted whatever it was that Jordan was planned for him so badly but at the same time, he didn’t know if Jordan was ready or not. When he had informed him of his desires, he’d been referring to himself pleasuring his boyfriend as he did before. Not the other way around.

“What are you doing?” he asked cautiously.

“I told you. Next time we do this it’s my turn.” 

Christofer leaned forward and took Jordan’s face in his hands, forcing him to make eye contact. As expected, behind all the passion, love, and lust, he saw fear.  Jordan jerked his head back and went returned to playing with the elastic of Chris’s boxers. 


He ignored his boyfriend’s call and began pulling off the thin material separating him from complete intimacy with Christofer. He was determined to make Chris feel as good as he had made him feel the last time things got this far. He wanted to show him how much he loved him, and that though he wasn’t too experienced, he could still be…or at least try to be, a perfect lover. But just before his goal was achieved, Chris slapped his hand away and sat up.


Jordan looked up with a mixture of confusion and hurt on his face. 

“Jordan, you aren’t ready.”

“Yes I am! I want to do this,” He replied sternly.

Christofer shook his head and sighed. “Hold up your hands.”


“Just do it.”

Jordan obliged to see that his hands were shaking madly along with the rest of his body. He knew he was scared, but he didn’t know he was this terrified for it to actually be physically affecting him. The humiliation led to the quick conclusions of Christofer dumping him over this. He shut his eyes and prayed that time would rewind itself so he wouldn’t make the same mistake that would cost him Christofer. 

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