Chapter 17

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: RiaRee

Comments make me happy :) I hope you guys are still enjoying it!!! 

Chris hung his head in shame as Jordan stood in front of him, glaring. He opened his mouth, but Jordan spoke first.

“You are going to be punished hardcore. Starting with this,” To Christofer’s horror, Jordan drank every last drop, making sure to be slow about it. “Mmmm so good!”

“Jordan, that’s just mean,” Alex laughed as him and Jack appeared out of nowhere, each of them holding cups of their own.

They passed through Norway and went on a cheesy ride called “Maelstrom” after which, Jordan got another beer and drank it in a similar fashion as the first one in Christofer’s face. It happened again in China and Germany. By the time they got through Italy (where he bought yet another drink) to America, Jordan was having some issues walking.

“Why...why…w-why do they have America here? We’re IN America! That’s so..s-so stupid!” He slurred.

“Shit, Jordan. You really can’t hold your liquor,” Jack grinned.

“Well he did have a beer in every country, and the one in Germany was huge,” Alex said in his defense.

“Like my dick!” Jordan giggled madly while everyone stared. “I want another one!”

“No, I think we need to cut you off, dude,” Jack grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back when he started to stumble over to a food stand.

“Whhhhhhhhhy? I’m…I-I’m…I’m fiiiine!”

“If you say so,” Alex muttered under his breath.

Jordan turned towards Christofer who had gotten very quiet and wrapped his arms around him. “Baby what’s wrong!?”

“Nothing, I’ve just never seen you drunk before,” Chris shrugged. His boyfriend blinked a few times and then gave him a sloppy, wet kiss.

“I’m not drunk! I’m tipsy! And you’re sexy!” He slid his hand down Christofer’s back and grabbed his ass. Christofer grumbled and scooted away.

“Common, there are kids here. This is exactly what you were trying to avoid with me, remember?”        

“N-no! Because…because…I’m. Not. Drunk. I WANNA HAVE SEX WITH YOU, CHRIS!”

Alex, Jack, and Christofer simultaneously face palmed as Jordan announced his desires to the world. People stopped what they were doing and stared at the completely oblivious shit-faced boy happily wobbling around before them.

“It’s time to go back to the room. You’ve had too much,” Chris whispered softly to Jordan. He grabbed his hand and started tugging him through Japan.

“But I don’t, I…don’t, I don’t wanna go!” he fumbled around with his words and pouted. Everyone ignored him and continued walking. They were all slightly annoyed that their night was ruined. They quickened their pace as Jordan’s sexual comments worsened and escalated in volume until finally they were practically running and working as a team to keep Jordan from falling.

Unfortunately, as they darted through France, Jordan stopped dead in his tracks and pointed.

“Oh my god! It’s Belle! Can we meet her? We haven’t gotten to meet any characters this entire time!” He wiggled out of their clutches and skipped over to the attractive actress dressed in Belle’s yellow gown. He presented her with a wide smile.

“Well hello there! What’s your name?” she asked in a delicate voice and curtseyed.

“I’m Jordan! And I have a secret to tell you!” he hiccupped then looked around dramatically. “Ok good, the Beast isn’t here because he won’t like the secret.”

“Oh, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. The Beast is more gentle than you think!” She replied awkwardly. A few workers hovered around in back to make sure nothing would get out of hand, after all, they could smell the alcohol on his breath a mile away.

“Well…ever since…ever since…ever…since I was little I watched your movie. And I’m madly in love with you!” He got down on one knee. “Belle, will you marry me?”

Just in time, Jack, Alex, and Christofer came to rescue the poor actress. Jack and Alex grabbed Jordan while Christofer apologized for his boyfriend’s behavior. She thanked him, and though she was staying in character, he could tell that as a person she meant it too. He could only imagine how many drunken idiots she had to deal with on a regular basis.

The entire trek back to the hotel consisted of swearing, pulling, and Jordan making dirty comments about everything he saw. The three that were sober were trying everything they could to focus on keeping him quiet instead of laughing. They really didn’t want to encourage him, as funny as it may be.


“Thanks, Jordan.”

“Hey Alex…If I gave you $10 would you have sex with that tree?”

“Nah, I need at least $15. Sorry, man.”

“JACK! Is your dick bigger than Alex’s!?”

“Nope.” Jack and Alex said at the same time. They could no longer take it and they burst out laughing as they entered the hotel lobby. Jordan strutted along with them, feeling very proud of himself for being so funny.

When they finally made it up to their room, everyone was absolutely exhausted from their fits of laughter.

“Shit, we gotta get you drunk more often!” Jack panted and grinned.

“Yeah…but at like a party or something. Somewhere far, far away from children and old people,” Alex added.

Jordan was too busy amusing himself with balancing on one foot to notice the conversation being held about him.

“Well, for now I think I should get him to bed. He doesn’t drink a lot and it’s only a matter of time before he—“Jordan leaned over and threw up all over Christofer’s shirt. “Does…that…”

He looked down at his ruined garment completely unfazed while Jack and Alex gagged. The smell of vomit and several foreign types of alcohol began to fill the halls.

“Well…I suppose that’ll be goodnight then,” Chris said cheerily. “Want a hug?” He stretched his arms out and walked zombielike towards the two horrified musicians. They flinched and scurried away from him, yelling curses all the while.

“That’s not funny, Christofer!” Alex snapped.

“It’s kinda funny,” he snickered in reply.

“It’s gross!” Jack whined.

“It’s—“ Karma struck in the form of a hot liquid mess all over Christofer’s flip flops. “Seriously, Jordan?”

Jordan was lying on the floor, looking extremely pale. He looked up at his boyfriend apologetically and coughed a little. Despite the fact that he had thrown up on him twice and that he was a huddled sick mass on the ground, Christofer still thought he looked adorable.

“Oh, my poor baby!” Chris cooed and helped him up. He turned to Jack and Alex who were looking very lost. Before they had a chance to ruin the potential moment, Christofer waved them off. “Be gone with you!” He ordered then disappeared inside the room with Jordan, slamming the door behind them for added effect.

They rolled their eyes and began strolling down the long hall, quite annoyed at the way they had been sent off.

“They just want to have sex,” Jack grunted.

“Probably. And with all the puking Jordan is doing, it’ll be like ‘Two Boys, One Cup’,” Alex replied angrily. They halted, turned, gave each other a bro high five, and then resumed walking only this time with amused smiles on their faces.

Making Jordan drunk...was so much fun xD 

How Could I Say No?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें