Chapter 27

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One month later

Christofer took a swig of his coffee and groaned. “This is taking forever.”

“We’ve been working for fifteen minutes…” Jordan chewed on his pen.

“Can we take a break?”

“We have to do this.”

“A sex break?” Chris winked, earning a small chuckle from his lover.

“No! If you’d just focus we could get this done relatively quickly. We’ve already got both of our family’s names down…we’re halfway there!”

“Well yeah that’s the easy part. Now we have to figure out which friends we want to invite and knowing us we’ll forget someone and then they’ll be mad and it’ll be sad.”

“Chris…this is the first step in planning a wedding, and it’s one of the easiest parts.”

“But it’s so hard!”

“Exactly. It’s a hard thing to do, and if this is how you’re going to be then maybe we should rethink having one and just go to a courthouse instead,” Jordan said quietly. Christofer sighed. He wasn’t really one for weddings, but Jordan was, and taking that away from him would cause the short singer’s heart to break, though he’d never admit it.

“Ok, ok I’m sorry,” Chris put his hand on Jordan’s and smiled. “I want to have one. I guess we should start with the obvious people.”

“Jack and Alex,” they said in unison and Jordan scribbled down their names along with Rian and Zack, the two remaining members of All Time Low. Rian’s girlfriend, Cassadee was also added.

“They’re really good together,” Jordan commented.

“Yeah. She’s a sweet girl. Great voice too. I never really got into Hey Monday, but the stuff I heard was great,” Christofer agreed.

As time went by, it was decided that Tay Jardine would be invited in a devious effort to set her up with Alex. The members of Breathe Carolina, The Downtown Fiction, and of course Jordan’s band mates also made it to the guest list. After a good hour or so of brainstorming, they ended up with roughly three hundred potential attendees.

“That should be everyone,” Jordan thoughtfully analyzed the sheets of paper in front of him.

“It’s a shit ton of people,” Christofer leaned back in his chair while imagining the hours it’d take to fill out all the invitations.

“We’re popular guys!” his fiancé shrugged and stretched. “But here’s the million dollar question…where are we going to do this?”

“Disney World, obviously,” it’d taken no time at all for Chris to think of an answer, and the moment he said it, planning this wedding no longer felt like a burden. It became exciting, fun, and something that he looked forward to doing. The thought of the ceremony that was to bind him to Jordan in the very place they fell in love made his heart stop, and he wanted it to be a grand event because their relationship deserved to be represented by nothing less.

“Perfect,” Jordan smiled and kissed him.

They proceeded to work on the menu and color scheme (something neither of them enjoyed because of how feminine it made them feel). Before they knew it, it’d grown dark and their stomachs were growling angrily. A pizza was ordered, and a phone call was made to Alex and Jack who showed up quickly at the promise of free food.

“How’s the planning going?” Alex asked through a full mouth as he took a large bite of the pizza.

“Not bad. We got a lot done today,” Jordan sat down at the table next to him.

“Have you uh…picked out who the best man will be?” Jack cleared his throat obnoxiously and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. The lovers nodded.

“Alex, you’re my best man and Jack will be Chris’s man of honor.”

“Man of honor…like maid of honor…like…what the bride has? Christofer is the chick!?” Jack burst out laughing. “I always thought it’d be Jordan.”

“Me too,” Chris and Alex agreed.

“Why is it so hard to believe that I’m the guy?” Jordan frowned and folded his arms.

“I don’t know…you’re just a super laid back dude, you’re a little on the shy side, and you just don’t really give off a dominant vibe,” Jack explained.

“You realize that you have the girl part too,” Christofer smirked at the guitarist who looked ecstatic.

“You’re right! Holy shit maybe I’ll grow boobs! How great would that be? You’d finally be out of excuses for why you can’t make sweet, passionate love to me, Alex!”

“You’re right. Fingers crossed! They need to be at least C cups though. I can’t work with anything less than that,” Alex took another large bite of his pizza.

“What? But you said I just needed boobs! You never specified a size!” he whined.

“No I’d have to agree with him there. You need at least a handful,” everyone looked at Christofer in surprise. “What? I had needs before Jordan came along, you know.”

“That’s true. You did used to be a little whore…but that’s beside the point! Jack, grow a pair of decent sized breasts and I’m yours forever.”

“Alright, I’m on it! Anyways, though, thank you both. We’re honored that you chose us to be in your wedding.”

“It means a lot,” Alex added.

“Well you guys have been our biggest supporters and best friends,” Jordan said.

“I’m just curious but um…bachelor parties? How are those going to work…and…stuff…” Jack mumbled awkwardly.

“Well obviously we want male strippers and dildo’s as party favors,” Jordan stated casually.

“Actually I think there’s some male strip clubs around here,” Chris linked fingers with his fiancé who took pity on the increasingly ill look crossing over the All Time Low member’s faces.

“Kidding! We just want to keep everything kind of low key. And before you say anything, no, we would never want our party to have dildos and naked dudes,” Jordan chuckled.

“I’m confused,” Alex began. “You’re gay but you wouldn’t want a bachelor party to reflect that?”

“Not really. To be honest if we ever broke up—which we won’t,” Christofer added as he felt his lover tense up. “I’d go back to girls.”

“Yeah it’s weird…the thought of being with a guy other than Chris freaks me out.”

Jack and Alex nodded slowly, doing their best to pretend like they understood what was being explained to them, but still having a little trouble. Their minds were too clouded with plans for each boy’s bachelor party.

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