Chapter 21

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Jordan crossed his arms and smirked. “If I win I get the window seat on the plane ride home.”

Chris shook his head. “That’s lame. Common, let’s make this really interesting!”

“Ok…how about…you’re not allowed to wear a shirt for a week?”

“Nope. Still dumb.”

“You have to give me a full body massage?”

“God damn, you’re so uncreative.”

Jordan frowned. He was sure that the massage would interest Christofer. “Well I don’t know! What do you want?”

“If I win…you change your last name to Ingle if we ever get married. If you win, I’ll become Witzigreuter,” Chris bit his lip nervously and stared into his lovers eyes. He knew that it hadn’t even been a week that they’d been dating, and Jordan may feel that the mention of marriage was too soon, but deep down in his heart Christofer knew that Jordan was the one he wanted to be with forever. He’d known if from the day they met.

Jordan was too scared to speak. His heart was fluttering around madly in his chest, and though he was 99% sure Chris was serious, he didn’t want to risk that 1% chance of agreeing to a mere joke.

“Like…for real?” He choked out softly. His boyfriend nodded and gently took his hands into his own.

“Yeah. So what do you say?” He replied. His face was beginning to redden and he chewed on his lip rings. 

Jordan took a deep breath and nodded. Though he didn’t know if it would happen and if it did it’d be in the far future, the thought of marrying Christofer made him so happy he could hardly stand it.

“You’re on.” He managed and grinned. Chris leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

They both laughed as they climbed into their car. There were two futuristic laser guns attached to the vehicle and the goal was to hit all the targets scattered around the ride with the laser.

“I love you so much, Jordan Ingle,” Christofer said as he grabbed onto his gun.

“I love you too, Christofer Witzigreuter,” Jordan winked and grabbed his gun as well.

The ride began moving and they immediately began frantically shooting every target that they could. Neither of them were a very good shot, but the focus from their competitiveness caused their abilities to magically skyrocket. Both of them seemed to be hitting every last target, even the most difficult of them.

There was a lever in the middle of the car which could be used to spin it around, and the entire time they would take turns fighting each other for it and then jerking the car around to try and throw the other one’s aim off. Countless taunts were exchanged to the point that the people in the cars around them stopped playing to watch the couple’s amusing battle.

Finally, it came to an end and it was time for the moment of truth. There were small screens under the laser guns that flashed their scores in red.

Christofer got 651,777.

Jordan got 651,778.

They got off the ride and walked out in complete silence. When they got outside they stopped dead in their tracks, and simultaneously embraced each other as tight as they could.

“Looks like I can’t make fun of your last name anymore,” Chris whispered happily. Jordan could only nod. “Christofer Drew Witzigreuter…I love it,” Christofer added at the end.

When they pulled apart, they both looked down, trying to wipe away the water that had built up in their eyes.

“Fantasyland?” Jordan asked.

“Hell yeah,” Chris replied and put his arm around his lover as they began walking towards one of the most famous parts of the whole park.

“So which ones are we doing here?”

Christofer’s eyes sparkled and he began reciting the rides they would be going on. Jordan couldn’t help but laugh at how much Chris had obviously studied the map before coming here.

“Snow White’s Scary Adventure, Peter Pan, the Teacups, Dumbo, the Carousel, and of course…It’s a Small World.”

Jordan shuddered at the thought of going on It’s a Small World.

“I know,” Chris said in response to Jordan’s look of fear. “But it’s a classic. You just can’t go to Disney World and not go on it.


They chose to procrastinate it, though, and headed first to the Teacups. They walked right on and strapped into a light pink one. An evil smirk stretched over Christofer’s face and his boyfriend groaned.

“This is probably going to be a horrible mistake. I don’t do great on spinning rides,” but he was ignored as it started up.

Chris grabbed onto the wheel in the middle and turned it as fast as he could, as if he was trying to purposefully make Jordan sick. It was working.

After the longest two minutes of his life, the cups slowed down to a halt and the two boys wobbled towards the exit. Jordan was doing better than he thought he would, though Chris didn’t look so great.

“You ok?” he asked.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” Christofer lied. He couldn’t walk in a straight line. He tripped over nothing, fell flat on his face, and didn’t move. Jordan sighed and helped the boy up, who still didn’t look any better than he did before. He attempted to walk again, but his legs gave out once more and he was on his ass on the ground.

“You keep spinnin’ around, you keep spinnin’ around, you keep spinnin’ ar--ooww---hounndd,” he sung with a dazed look on his face.

“You’re such a dork,” Jordan chuckled and moved him to a nearby bench. “You’re all loopy.”

After a few minutes of sitting, Chris recovered and was up on his feet, back to his excited child-like state.

“SNOW WHITES SCARY ADVENTURE COMMON LET’S GO!” He declared while grabbing his boyfriend by the wrist and skipping towards the ride in question. Again there wasn’t much of a line so they got on relatively fast. They were a group of two, so the back row was filled with four people that they didn’t know.

Or at least they thought they didn’t know them.

I know I kinda touched upon the marriage thing in the 4th of July chapter buuuut oh well! I'm repetitive like that I guess! Sorry the chapter is so short >.< Updates will come soon! 

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