Chapter 12

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I was 100 reads away from the 1,000 reads I wanted to get...but it's Valentine's day and I love you guys. So there. Dedication is to my lovely 20th fan who let me check off a box on my goals list!

That night, the pair couldn’t get back to their room fast enough. They had stayed at Hollywood Studios all day and between the heat and lack of a break, they felt on the verge of death. Christofer glanced at the clock to see it was almost 11. He fell face forward down onto the bed and groaned into his pillow.

"Ugh. We have a show tomorrow." 

“What time do we have to get up?” Jordan sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off his shoes. He had never been more tired in his entire life.

“Like 8 a.m.”


“Yep,” Christofer replied gravely. “It’s at Hollywood Studios again though, so since we’ve already done everything we can come back here and chill. I can’t imagine that it’d go past noon.”

“Are Jack and Alex coming?”

“Nope. I get you all to myself.”

This seemed to cheer them both up a little. Though they loved hanging out with their friends, they wanted a little alone time. Chris grabbed Jordan’s shirt and pulled him down next to him. He slid his slender arms around the shorter boy and spooned up against him.

“Mmm, this is so nice,” he slurred after yawning.

“Mhm,” Jordan put his hands on Christofer’s and weakly nodded. It was impossible for him to keep his eyes open.

“Goodnight, baby. I love you.”

“I love you too, Chris.”

8 a.m. came around much too fast and Jordan swore under his breath as he fumbled around with the phone. Today’s wakeup call was simply a recording of “There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow”. It was kind of a letdown compared to the previous ones, but nonetheless, it still made waking up a little less horrible.

He rolled over and snuggled up next to his boyfriend who had slept through the entire thing. A smile played at Jordan’s lips as he admired the sleeping figure next to him. He was breathing steadily with his full lips parted ever so slightly. His hair fell in his face gracefully, framing his every perfect feature in a way only possible through bedhead. Not wanting to disturb Chris, he carefully climbed out of bed and snuck into the shower.

When he stepped out of the bathroom he expected to see Christofer passed out still on the bed, but instead, he was gone. Jordan scanned the vacant room, and after finding nothing, stepped out to the main area where he found what he was looking for. Chris was out on the balcony on the phone, talking quickly in a hushed voice and looking very worried. His words were muffled for he had closed the sliding glass door so Jordan couldn’t make out what was going on, but the way he paced and fidgeted with his free hand told him that something was wrong.

He treaded towards to door in hopes to maybe catch some bits and pieces of the conversation, but Christofer quickly ended the call the moment he saw him. He shoved his phone in his back pocket and came inside.

“Hey baby,” he crooned while pulling Jordan into a hug and resting his lips on the top of his head.

“Everything ok…?”

Christofer paused for a moment and then smiled. “Yeah, everything is fine.” Jordan stared at him skeptically and shook his head.

“What time is the show?”

The taller boy’s eyes went wide and he released Jordan from his grasp. “What time is it...SHIT,” he looked at the clock and started dashing around the room, changing into a clean set of clothes and brushing out his hair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he grunted. “We are so fucking late.”

When he finished dressing himself, he grabbed Jordan by the wrist, and then ran out and down the hall with him trailing behind. They hailed a taxi and gave the driver an extra $20 to step on it. Luckily, they got more than their money’s worth. After thanking the driver what seemed like a million times, the pair sped through the gates and back towards the giant Mickey Mouse hat where they saw a large stage set up.

Not knowing where to go from there, Christofer decided the best thing to do was find someone with a clipboard. After all, in his mind, clipboards were a symbol of importance when it came to the people that worked backstage. He finally found someone and rushed over.

“H-hey, we’re Jordan…Witzigreuter and…C-c-christofer I-ingle,” the poor boy barely had any breath left to talk.               

The lady raised an eyebrow, but motioned for them to follow her behind the stage. “They’re here!” she yelled over all the frantic people.

A man appeared out of nowhere and shook their hands, introducing himself as the producer of the station. After thanking him for asking them to play and giving them the extravagant trip, they were whisked off in opposite directions to get their hair fixed.

10 minutes passed and they were reunited, both looking flawless as if they hadn’t just ran like madmen from the hotel to here. Jordan yawned and Chris chuckled.

“We’re going to take the best nap ever when this is over,” he promised lovingly.

Jordan stuck his thumbs in his boyfriend’s front pockets and got on his tiptoes to give him a peck on the nose. “I can’t wait.”

“Alright, 5 minutes! Someone yelled. They did some last minute guitar/ukulele tuning and then waited on the side for their cue.

“Break a leg, Chris.”

“You too, baby.”

With that they ran onto the stage energetically and waved at the crowd that had gathered before it. After introducing themselves, thanking the audience for coming out, and doing a small speech promoting the radio station, they began playing together. They did mostly Never Shout Never songs with Christofer on melody and Jordan on harmony, and ended with The Ready Set’s “More Than Alive”. It was a short show as Chris had predicted the night before, and they were ushered off the stage to be replaced by a DJ playing popular songs and giving out free t-shirts.

As they handed their borrowed instruments back to the station workers their hearts were pounding. They had never performed a duet together in public and it was such a rush. They loved having someone they cared for so much, do something with them that they were passionate about. Both of them considered the other one to have the best voice in the world, and to hear that voice sing their songs right there next to them made each lyric 1,000 times more meaningful.

They began walking out of the park in silence, each one of them trying to adjust to the feeling of the sparks that were still flying, even after the show was over. They were only about 20 feet from the stage and still well within the observing crowd when Jordan stopped.

Christofer turned with a puzzled expression on his face. The brunette before him looked at his feet for a moment, and then looked into his eyes. For a second it seemed as if he was about to cry, but before Chris could ask if he was ok, Jordan grabbed his face and kissed him hard. There were hundreds of people around them and they received many looks of disgust and disapproval. They also got a few cheers of support from the more open minded people. While pulling away, Jordan slid his hands down onto Christofer’s chest and smiled.

“I love you, Christofer Ingle.”

“I love you too, Jordan Witzigroiter.”

Chris laughed when Jordan twitched slightly at the mispronunciation of his name.

“I’m going to ignore that,” he grumbled at his boyfriend who continued to laugh and grabbed his hand.


The couple turned around to find the source of the cruel word. There, standing behind them with his arms folded and a smug smile on his face was Trace Cyrus.

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