Chapter 16

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I'm sorry I've been taking so long to update...I hope you guys aren't losing interest because of it! (Though I do have a few loyal people who always make me feel important when they harass me to update! You guys know who you are <3 Love ya!)

Information piece number two: I am currently in the middle of writing another TRS fanfic! Keep an eye out for that! 

Comments make me happy :) Enjoy the next chapter!

“Time to wake up! Teeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!” Stitch’s voice squeaked over the phone for today’s wake up call.

“Ugh,” Jordan groaned and rubbed his eyes. It was noon.

Today was going to be long. They planned to head over to Epcot and meet up with Jack and Alex. This park was split in two. One half of it was called “Future World” and, as the name suggested it was spacey and futuristic. This was the half that all of the rides were at. The other half was “The World Showcase” where different “countries” circled around a small lake, each with a different restaurant and of course gift shops reflecting their cultures.

They were to do Future World during the day and The World Showcase at night.

Christofer hopped out of bed happily and began skipping around the room, doing what he needed to prepare for the day.

“You seem more excited than usual,” Jordan commented while Chris pulled off his clothes in preparation for a shower.

“Hell yeah! This is the party park!”

“The party park?” he didn’t like the sound of that.

“Yep! Well, the country part is anyways…”

“How so?”

“Because, each one of the countries has so much culture! Duh!”

Jordan rolled his eyes. “You aren’t drinking, Chris. Nice try though! Besides, you’re only 20, they won’t give you any.”

“Well yeah, but I have a super great boyfriend that’s 21!” He flashed a charming smile and batted his eyes when Jordan folded his arms. “Baby please? I just wanna experience the different drinks of the world!”

“I don’t want you drunk in Disney World with children around. You know how you get,” he sighed.

The smile transformed into a puppy dog face. “But I’ve been good! I haven’t had a drink in forever and I quit smoking weed and stuff…all for you! Just this one time?”

“No.” He replied stubbornly.

Christofer pouted, stuck his tongue out, and trudged into the bathroom while grumbling under his breath. Jordan chuckled. They were becoming such a couple.

Chris gave Jordan the silent treatment right up until they met up with Alex and Jack on the boardwalk.

“What’s wrong with him?” Alex asked as the duo walked over to them.

“He’s throwing a fit because I said he can’t drink,” Jordan replied casually.

“Well why not?” Jack frowned.

“Have you seen what he’s like when he’s drunk? And can you imagine that in an innocent place such as Disney?”

“Good point.” The All Time Low member’s said in unison.

“What!? You guys! Don’t agree with him! I thought I could count on you to sneak me drinks,” Christofer broke his silence and stomped his foot on the ground.

How Could I Say No?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя